☆Holiday Special☆

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[Happy Holidays]

| December 25th 1936 |

Ivory was sat on the stoop of his home, looking out onto the streets of Brooklyn. Snow had begun to fall from the sky only twenty minutes prior. He could see his breath in the air, foggy just like his mind felt.

This Christmas didn't feel the same as it did a few years back. No mother, no father... it felt so empty now. He felt so empty now. His uncle was anything but kind to him, he'd be surprised if uncle Ernie even bought him anything for Christmas.

He was more of Scrooge anyways, except without the good ending. Charles Dickens never had to deal with someone like Ivory's uncle, that's for sure.

Ivory on the other hand loved Christmas, even if it didn't feel as joyful as it used to. The seventeen year old had scrounged up a dollar or two, to buy a few gifts for his friends he had met back when he was fifteen. Steve and Bucky were the only people he could count on now.

He went to the shops and got a sketch pad and pencil for Steve, who loved to draw. Bucky liked to go boxing every now and then, a new hobby of his. Ivory decided on getting him some new boxing gloves. Hopefully they'd liked them.

When his uncle found out he had bought gifts, he was outraged. Yelling about how Ivory shouldn't go spending money on people, that it was a waste. When Ivory tried to argue he was met with a slap to the face, "Watch your tone, boy!" Ernie growled.

That's when Ivory stormed out onto the stoop, slamming the door— Hoping his uncle didn't storm after him. A paper bag in his hands, the one that held his friend's gifts. Now he was sat in the cold, thinking about what life could have been.

He was taught that God had a plan for everyone, it was all written out for you from birth to death. Your choices didn't matter at all, at least... that's what the church says. All that matters is the sin you commit and if you are to repent for them.

But, Ivory couldn't help but think that it wasn't like that at all, maybe if he made a different decision on some random day— Maybe his mother would have still been here, maybe his father wouldn't have ran off to Saint Louis with another woman. Maybe... just maybe, he wouldn't be the way he was.

"Why are you sitting out here without a coat on, kid." A voice interrupted Ivory's thoughts, the boy looked up to his friend Bucky.

Ivory's face turning red on the spot, "My uncle... he's being a jerk." Ivory whispered, not moving from the steps.

Bucky sat down beside him without a second thought, "You can come over if you wanna, Steve's gonna be there." He suggested. Not even asking what had happened between Ives and Ernie.

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