Chapter 1

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A/n: This story contains a lot of triggers like depression, drugs, alcohol, self harm, and etc so I'm warning you guys now, if you don't feel comfortable with any of those triggers I advise to stop reading now!!

I hope y'all enjoy this story❤️

Liv's pov

Ever since I was around 12 or thirteen I've been diagnosed with Depression, I believe it was here my whole life but it didn't affect me until I was growing up but now I'm 19 and it seems to be getting worse, I haven't told anybody especially my girlfriend Jenna and my other friends they will go crazy if they know I'm falling into depression. Jenna never witnessed me go through it before because we've only been together for 1 going on two years and it never was bad back then and my friends haven't either because I met them the beginning of my senior year in high school and we all been close ever since.

3 months later after i graduated from high school i bought a house for me and Jenna since we're basically grown and I'm wealthy enough to buy one at this young age now, and no neither of us are in or going to college, I come from a very wealthy family and since I'm my parents only child they have been spoiling me since i came out the womb , they offered to help me buy my house and everything but i declined them and it's something they had to get use to because I'm grown and i have my own money to spend now.

I'm a music producer and I'm also a songwriter and I've been writing songs ever since i was 16 and now that I'm older i had and still have the chance to work with big artists in music industry, I actually just finished producing a song for one of my good and long time friends, Jenna's in the book industry, she's a writer and a author she has three books out already that are continuing to sell everyday so she's making bank off those

Anyways it's now 8 in the morning and I'm about to work out in my gym while Jenna's sleep, so i gave her a kiss on her forehead and got up and went into the closet and put a baggy t-shirt on and some biker shorts and my workout shoes after that i put my hair in a ponytail and made my way into my gym, I'm going to start with a few stretches then move on to my normal work out rue-tine which is squats then the treadmill then push ups etc.

After I finished my workout for today I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and wiped myself off with a towel I have, I shut my music off and grabbed my phone to look at the time and it's now 10 am , I'm still a little sleepy so I made my way back into my room to see Jenna still asleep. I'm actually surprised that she's still sleeping because this girl is a early bird and i don't mean 8 am early either, she usually gets up and get her day started around 6 then most of the time she'll take a nap during the day but this girl can be so confusing sometimes.

I hoped in the shower and everything and climbed back in the soft bed of ours , Jenna felt me get into the bed so she turned over and laid on my chest, I gave her a kiss on the top of her head then i drifted off to sleep.

I woke up from my sleep about five minutes ago it's only 2 and I don't feel like getting up because I don't have anything to do today so I decided that I'm going to stay in the bed all day but Jenna on the other hand isn't going for that, she walked downstairs for something but now I can hear her walking into the room.

"Babe are you seriously gonna stay in the bed all day, I wanna do something today" she sighed's as she gets in the bed and sit beside me.

"Baby yes I'm seriously gonna stay in the bed all day, call Katie or Madison and ask them if they wanna go with you somewhere, I'm sure they'll say yes" placing my hands on my forehead because this girl is not gonna give up with trying to get me out of then

"Why do you wanna stay in bed all day" she asked- this girl is going to try to get me out of this bed no matter how long it takes

"Because I'm tired from the gym and I'm also sleepy still" okay I'm really emotionally drained and I feel like jumping off a cliff but I'm not about to tell her that. She's the last person that needs to know how I'm feeling

"But you just woke up not even 15 minutes ago" Jenna wines out as she tugs on my shirt

"I just- baby why can't we just do something tomorrow" I'm now starting to get a little frustrated because i just want to sleep and not sit here and have a debate with her

"Because you promised me we was gonna do something today and now it's today and you wanna stay in the bed, don't promise me something if you don't mean it" Jenna angrily says as she gets up from the bed and walk's out of the room.

I rolled over and went back to sleep for the 2nd time today, I kind of hate the outside world so it feels nice to be shut up in my room in the bed with no one bothering me other than my stupid thoughts that's in my head and my depression and of course Jenna but besides that it's nice. I don't know why I'm tired all of sudden then again it could be my stupid depression.


Jenna's pov

"No, Liv's been in the bed all day I wanted to go out today and do something but she said that she's tired and she's staying in the bed" I am currently on the phone with Katie.

"Has she been out the bed at anytime today" Katie asked on the other side of the phone.

"Yes this morning, like around 8 she got up to go workout or whatever but then she got back in the bed but I don't know what time that was"

"me and Maddie are gonna come over there around four to hangout with y'all , I'll see if Jayce and Nolan want to come over also, I'll just text you and let you know when we're on the way" Katie said.

"Okay see you then" I hung the phone up and made my way back up to the room to tell Liv.

"Liv our friends are coming over around four they want to hangout with us and when i say us that includes you plus we need to discuss your birthday party with them" I yell out to her

Of course she's sleep so she didn't hear anything I said so I walked back downstairs into the living room and watched some tv to kill some time until they got here. This is very unusual to me because she's never stayed in the bed this long, maybe I'm just being a little dramatic about this

Ugh I don't know

It's now 3:50 in the afternoon I've been back in fourth out of the room to see if Liv was up but she's still sleeping, this is starting to get weird because she's never been sleep or stayed in the bed for this long unless she was sick , I grabbed a thermometer from the cabinet and went into the room and stuck it into her mouth, her temperature is normal that's good so maybe she's not sick but why is she still in the bed for this long.

"Baby" i'm placing kisses on her forehead maybe this will wake her up or at least get her to move, She moved a little bit but she instantly went back to sleep because she started snoring again. I pushed her hair behind her ear and placed a kiss on those soft lips of hers.

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