Chapter 24

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Jenna's pov
Yesterday was a mess and Liv kind of sobered up before we left Katie's well that was before i didn't let her drive home instead she rode with me home because obviously I care more about her safety than she does , she then began to go on and on about how people should stop caring about her and what she does with her life, I'll be glad when she goes to therapy so she can stop talking like this because obviously the stuff I tell her goes in one ear and out the other.

Liv's sleep surprisingly I'm still up and it's 4 am, i have been feeling a lot better than a couple days ago now that i have some medicine that'll help my nausea and when I'm not feeling sick or anything, now i can focus more on Liv and the baby, I know people might be like "why don't you put all your focus on just the baby Liv's a grown woman she can take care of herself" and the thing is Liv is a grown woman and she can take care of herself but she's also very important to me and she's really going through a tuff time and I believe that she can get better and become more happier with herself and her life and I'm not about to give up on my girlfriend not now and definitely not ever.

Now that I'm out of my head I realized that Liv had her hand on my stomach I don't remember falling asleep like this but it's cute to me, i can't wait to see how good of a parent she's gonna be to our baby she's so protective and sweet and kind and she puts others first before herself but I hate that her depression takes over that sometimes but she still tries to put a smile on her face when she's feeling down and that's one of the things I love about her.

(Alarm goes off)

"Babe turn that off" I said.

"Babe" I said again.

"Hmm" Liv said

"Turn your alarm off" I said

She turns around and turns it off then she sits up on the bed, "I'm sorry if that woke you up baby" Liv said.

"No I been up babe you're fine" I said

"You couldn't sleep" Liv asked

"No not really" I said

"What's wrong talk to me" Liv said as she laid back down in the bed and looked at me.

"I was just up thinking about our future and the baby and you and how I can't wait to see you as a parent to our baby" I said.

"I'm gonna spoil them rotten" Liv said as she started kissing my stomach.

"Yeah you're good at that I mean look at me" I said.

"Oh I'll never stop spoiling you even if you're already rotten" Liv joked

"Why are we up at 5 in the morning" i joked

"I'm trying to get my day started early again so maybe that'll help my depression some" Liv said.

"Oh okay, what are you about to do then" I asked

" fix some breakfast, Katie and Madi want to go work out with me so I have to get ready " Liv said

"Ok I'm gonna try to go back to sleep" I said

"Ok I love you my love" Liv said as she gave me a kiss then she kissed my stomach


Liv's pov
I just threw some workout clothes on and brushed my teeth and washed my face because I'm going to take a shower when I get done working out, I walked out the closet to see Jenna sleeping "damn she went to sleep fast" i said to myself.

I headed downstairs to make myself some breakfast and a protein shake then i unlocked the door for Katie and Madi i told them not to ring the doorbell because Jenna's sleeping and i don't wanna wake her because she needs all the rest she can get, now I'm headed to the work out room to smoke it's been a while since I last did this but now I'm starting back.

I took a blunt out and lit it up with the lighter I have i took a few puffs then the door swung open.

"Damn Liv that weed is strong as fuck" Katie said.

"Yeah Liv i can get high just from the breathing in the smoke" Madi said

"Okay I'll put it out" I said.

After I put the blunt out then we began to start working out for an hour  then we took a break.

"Okay Liv so me and Katie been talking" Madi said.

"About" I asked confusingly.

"You and Jenna duh" Katie said

"And what about me and her" I said

"We think it's time for y'all to get married or at least engaged" Katie said

"I mean y'all already live together and y'all have a baby on the way every thing works out perfect" Madi said

"What if she doesn't want to get married or engaged right now" I said

"Trust me she does we talked about this a long time ago she said and I quote " I would love to get married or engaged before or after I get pregnant because that'll kill two birds in one stone" Madi said.

"Well how come she never said that to me" I asked

"Maybe because she's waiting on you to make a move duh" Katie said.

"Y'all didn't really come over here to work out did y'all" I asked

"Um yeah and no I mean yeah because we did actually work out for an hour but we also came over here to talk to you about this while Jenna's asleep" Katie said.

"Look we can help you plan everything starting today take her out to the jewelry store y'all like to go to and let her pick out a ring that she really likes but don't give her any ideas then when y'all go to the car act like you left something in the place and buy the ring" Madi said.

"Okay that's easy" I said

After that conversation we continued to work out again and then we finished and they went back home and I took a shower and now I'm back in the bed to take a nap since it's only 8 am.

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