Chapter 21

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Liv's pov
It's been a couple days since we told everyone the news, Jenna's mood swings has already started I've been giving her a little space so we won't get into an argument but she also has a problem with that and the last thing I wanna do is argue with her so Taylor invited me to her house to hang out.

"I'll be back baby" I said to Jenna as I grabbed my keys then gave her and her stomach a kiss.

"Wait we're you going" Jenna asked as she grabbed my arm.

"I'm going out baby I'll be back in an hour do you need anything while I'm out" I said

"I'm fine" Jenna said as she angrily let my hand go.

Ughh can these 9 months be over already, I shook my head and walked out our bedroom and then downstairs to the garage.


Taylor lives in a pretty nice neighborhood from what I'm seeing, I pulled up to her house and got out of the car and knocked on her door.

"Hey Liv come on in" Taylor said as she backed away from the door.

"Hey Taylor you have a nice house" I said to her

"Not as nice and big as yours, you're shits like a castle" Taylor said

"Thank you" I said

"Mhm, come let's sit and catch up on things" Taylor said as she grabbed my arm and took me into her living room and we sat down.

"So what's been going on lately" Taylor also said

"Oh nothing me and Jenna found out some exciting news that's about to change our lives" I said

"Okay go on" Taylor said.

"Jenna's pregnant, we're going to be having a baby" I said.

"Oh um okay congratulations" Taylor said.

I watched as her mood went from happy to pissed off now that's weird.

"Wait you got her pregnant" Taylor asked.

"Um yeah I don't tell everybody this but since you're my friend I'll tell you, I turned out a little different from other females i was born with a penis, I'm a girl I was born a girl but I have a dick that's all and apparently even though I'm a girl I can still get other girls pregnant" I said

"Oh wow that's great" Taylor said as she glanced at me then at my pants then back up at me.

"Yeah its crazy" I said awkwardly

"Enough about your life do you wanna watch a movie but we're going to have to go to my room because this tv has to get replaced" Taylor said.

"Um yeah sure" I said.

I followed Taylor into her room she offered me some wine so I took a little bit of it then she told me to sit on her bed and get comfortable while she finds a movie.

"Sorry um I don't like outside clothes on my bed so can you like take your pants off and your hoodie" Taylor said

"Sorry but I'll just sit on the floor" I said.

"No no it's just your hoodie and your pants you can leave the clothes you have up under them on, it's just I have really bad allergies" Taylor said.

"Oh okay" I said as I took my hoodie off and my pants now only leaving me in my boxers and a shirt, I sat on the edge of the bed and laid my hoodie on top of my boxers so it can cover my cock.

"Hey sorry can you grab this remote from behind the tv your arms are longer than mine" Taylor said

I got up and did what she told me then I handed her the remote and picked my hoodie back up and sat on the edge of the bed.

This girl really acting weird, fuck I want this movie to end.


A hour later the movie ended I hurried up and put my clothes on and grabbed my stuff.

"Hey why don't you stay longer it's already dark outside" Taylor said

"No I have to get back to my girl" I said as I began to walk out her room.

"Oh yeah her" Taylor said

"What was that" I asked her

"Oh nothing, hopefully you can stay longer next time and we can do something else" Taylor said as she opened the front door.

"Yeah sure bye" I said as I walked out the door and got into my car and left.

Jenna's pov

Liv's been gone basically all day she told me she was only gonna be out for an hour, I pulled my phone out to call her but I got a message from a number i didn't know , I clicked on the messages to see something I didn't want to see.  It's a picture of Liv in her boxers and shirt and it looks like she's fixing the tv or something. Then I read another message they sent me.

Text message

Unknown number
(Attachment 1)

Olivia has a big dick and it felt so good oh my god I see why you're with her Thanks for sharing her and congratulations on being pregnant sweet dreams😘

End of message

I started to feel tears in my eyes, she really cheated on me while i'm carrying our baby I can't believe her she's fucking sick , after everything we've been through together i didn't do anything but be here for her and treat her right and showed her nothing but love I mean we have a big ass house together and for the millionth time we have a baby together.

I looked out the window to see her pulling into the driveway, I sat down on the bed and waited for her.


Liv's pov
I got out the car and opened the front door, ever light down stairs is off so Jenna must be sleeping, I made way upstairs and walked into our bedroom to see Jenna sitting on the bed looking at me.

"Hey baby I thought you were sleep" I said as I walked over to kiss her but she declined it.

"Where were you Liv and be honest" Jenna said.

"Taylor invited me over to her house to hang out so I went over there" I said

"Yeah and then you cheated on me how could you Liv" Jenna said

"What, Jenna what are you talking about I never cheated on you I swear" I said as I tried to get her to look at me

"Then what is this Liv" Jenna said as she pulled out her phone to show me a picture of me in my boxers and the message up under it.

Taylor you fucking bitch.

"What no baby that's not what it looks like I swear just let me explain" I said.

"No liv we're done you're a fucking cheater who doesn't care nothing about me or our  baby now leave me alone" Jenna yelled.

"Jenna I didn't fucking cheat on just let me explain my god why would I cheat on you, you're the love of my life Jenna I would never hurt you" I said

"Fuck you Liv just leave I don't care where you go just get the fuck away from me" Jenna yelled.

"No I'm not going anywhere" I yelled back

"GET THE FUCK OUT NOW LIV" Jenna yelled even louder as she got up and pushed me away from her.

I can't believe this is happening right now, before I walked out the door I turned around.

"I love you Jenna" I said as I looked at her she didn't look at me she just shut the door, I got into my car, I'm going to kill this bitch Taylor.

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