Chapter 2

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Jenna's pov

I jumped out the bed to go to the door since the bell had rung and as I opened it the four of my friends are standing right here with them funny looking smiles on their faces, they always do stupid faces when one of us opens the door and it always makes me laugh.

"Hey guy's" I stepped out of the way so they all can come in

They all spoke and made there way to the living room to sit in there favorite spots they always sit in every time they visit us, each of them have a certain spot that the love so much in the living room so I guess it's become a habit for them to sit or lay there.

"I was in the living room watching tv but we can go chill in there" I made my way to the back to the couch, now I'm sitting between Maddie and Katie

"Where's Liv at" Katie asks me

"Oh, she's in the bed sleep she been in the bed all day for some reason but she told me she was tired" I replied

"Damn she's been sleeping since this morning, that is weird she never does that but she could've done a lot more working out this morning and that's probably why" Katie says

"I checked to see if she was sick but her temperature is normal" I sighed out

"Did she tell you why she wanted to stay in bed" Maddie asked

"She said she was tired" I responded back


Liv's pov

I woke up to use the bathroom and when I finished I was gonna get back in the bed but I heard talking downstairs so I grabbed my oversized hoodie and a pair of my boxer shorts and I put it on, I went back into the bathroom and wiped my face a little then I made my way downstairs.

"Look who finally decided to wake up" Katie yells out- her and her loud ass mouth I swear

I walked into the Living room and of course everybody is looking at me.

"Hey guys"I waved my hand at them and made my way into the kitchen to fix me some cereal that I'm clearly about to waste, the kitchen is very big and it's connected to the living room so they can see me through it and I can feel their eyes burning in me.

I sat the bowl down with the cereal in it and open the fridge to get some milk then i poured it into the bowl and grabbed a spoon and spun it around in the cereal, this is not what I want so I grabbed me some bread and made me some toast, I didn't eat that either I was gonna cook me some waffles and eggs but I also don't want that. I just stood there and looked at the mess I made.

I decided to lift my head up and look at the eyes that were burning into my head and when I did they hurried up and turned around except Katie and Jenna.

I looked back down and cleaned the mess up and my way back upstairs to my gaming room and sat down so i can finish writing this song that I need to get done but I just couldn't bring myself to do it so i laid my head down on the desk.


Jenna's pov

Liv's acting unusual, we just watched her fix about 3 meals and she ended up not eating none of them. I don't know what's going on with her but i need to find out

"Okay now that was weird" Katie looks at me

"What's up with her" Jayce ask

"Maybe she's on her period guys" Maddie says

"I'm gonna go check on her I'll be right back" I got up from the couch and walked upstairs into our bedroom but I didn't see her so I walked into her gaming room and there she is with her head on the desk.

"Baby what's wrong" I asked as i place my hon her back and rub it in circular motion

"Hmm" Liv managed to get out

"What's wrong baby"

"I'm just tired, that's all" Liv sits up and looks at me

"Tired from what baby"

"Nothing, I'm fine" Liv's lying and i know it

"No baby you can talk to me okay"

"I'm fine okay" Li says frustratingly

"You wanna come back downstairs with me" I stopped rubbing her back and leaned down to be face to face with her since she laid her head back down

"Sure" she forces out

We walked back downstairs and sat down on the couch with everyone else.

"Is she okay" Katie mouthed

I shook my head yes but i know something's bothering her, i just need to find out what it is

"Hey Liv you know you're about to be 20 tomorrow" Katie's trying to get a conversation out of Liv since she isn't saying much

"Yeah I know, I'm getting fucking old" Liv laughs out

Okay she's laughing so that's good whatever it is it can't be anything to bad

"Oh so I'm considered old to you" I now feel offended by what she just said so i playfully laid my hand on my chest like I'm hurt

"Not you baby but the rest of y'all yes" Liv shakes her head while she grabs me and kisses the side of my head

"Hey, I'm only 21" Nolan yells out

"Yeah that's why you're gonna be responsible for getting all the alcohol tomorrow" Maddie says to Nolan as she patted his head with her hand.

"Speaking of alcohol what time should we all get here to decorate" Madi also says

"Well the party starts at 8 so around like 5" I yell out

"Can I just get drunk now I only have like four more hours till my birthday" Liv looks at me with her pleading eyes because she knows what I'm gonna say

"No baby because then you're gonna get a hangover and you're gonna feel bad at you're party tomorrow" I rub the top of her head

"Fine" Liv crosses her arm and right now she looks like a little kid that's mad about a toy or something and it's cute


Liv's pov

Me, Jenna and the rest of our friends talked for hours but now it's 11 at night and it's starting to get late so they decided to go ahead and leave since they have to run a few errands before my party tomorrow. They all said there good byes and left, I shut the door and turned around to see Jenna looking at me.

"So, do you wanna tell me what's wrong now" Jenna stands up and walks over to me

"Nothing's wrong baby I promise"fuck I just lied to her face but I'm not about to tell her that her girlfriend is on the verge of taking her life away.

"Okay, let's go shower and get in the bed we have a big day tomorrow" she reaches out for my hand and we both headed into the room to get ready for bed . I really hope this party can change my mood and make at least feel good, maybe the alcohol will

Drinking a bottle of tequila sounds really good right now but i know when tomorrow gets here I'm gonna sneak off from Jenna and drink it because she doesn't like when I get carried away with any alcohol, she told me that I turn into a different person when i drank and she doesn't like that person and the last thing i want to do is scare her but I'm really gonna need that alcohol tomorrow night.

"What are you thinking about" Jenna brings me out of my thoughts as she closes her book and gets in a position where she can look at me

"Um nothing really just how excited i am about tomorrow" yeah i lied i mean i am excited but not about the party , I could care less about my birthday

"Well I'm glad you're excited now let's get some sleep so you won't be all cranky tomorrow" she gives me a kiss and I kiss her back

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