Chapter 13

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Jenna's pov
I ran to the bedroom and grabbed my phone and began calling her but it keeps going straight to voicemail so i started texting her.

Text messages

Babe where are you, it's blood everywhere and I'm scared what did you do baby and where did you go.

Please answer me baby I'm scared something's bad happened to you.


I need to know that you're okay Liv just please respond to me or call me please

Babe I need to know that you're alive baby I can't loose you baby I love you so so much I'm not mad at you anymore I promise just please come home.

I'm okay I promise.

Baby where are you?

Babe answer me

Baby please don't do anything

You're the other half of my heart babe and if you're not here with me it's gonna hurt baby I need you I won't be able to go a day without you here baby.

End of messages


I fell to my knees and continued to cry, i really can't loose her I can't she's my everything my whole fucking world and I can't live without her being here, that's my baby my fucking future wife for god sakes we're suppose to get married and grow old together and travel the world and have kids and please each other and make each other happy, I can't do all of that without her.

This is now my 100th time calling her and texting her I had her location but she turned it off and i can't go find her because I don't know where she's at i really hope she's alive and okay.


Liv's pov

I'm currently sitting outside the hospital debating if I should go in or not because it's been 2 hours and the bleeding hasn't stopped I got out of my car and headed to the door but I stopped and turned back around because I don't think I should go in there.

"Excuse me are you alright" I heard as I turned back around facing my car. I looked back to see a blonde hair girl that's looks my age walking up to me with a concerned look.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay" I said as I gave her a slight smile and turned back around.

"No you're not you have blood all over you now let me see what's going on" she said as she stood in front of me.

"I don't know you so why should I" I said

"Listen my name is Taylor and I'm a nurse I'm just off this week and I needed to come get something from my desk" she said.

"Okay Taylor how are you gonna help me when you're not on the clock" I asked

"Just let me see what's going on and we'll go from there okay now what's you're name" Taylor asked

"My name is Olivia but you can call me Liv for short" I said as I showed her my arm.

"Shit that's some deep cuts if you don't mind me asking how did this happen" Taylor said

"Oh um I-I um I did it myself" I said as I looked down. She lifted my head back up with her hand.

"Hey it's okay we all got some deep shit going on in life you're not the only one now follow me so I can get this cleaned up" Taylor said as she grabbed my hand and took me another way into the hospital instead of the emergency department.

After a few walks we finally made it into this room she told me to lay across the bed, she washed her hands and grabbed a stool and put some gloves on and sat down, she then grabbed my arm and laid it on her leg, "okay I'm gonna use some alcohol wipes to clean it and it's gonna burn so squeeze my leg with you're other hand if you have too " Taylor said.

She began to clean my scars and I began to moan in pain, "fuck Taylor this shit stings" I said.

"I know, I'm sorry but I have to clean this so it won't get infected" Taylor said as she continued to wipe the blood from my scars.

She began to wrap my scars after cleaning it while she did it we locked eyes with each other, I had to break it because although I appreciate the help I'm in a relationship with Jenna and the last thing I'm gonna do is hurt her, "um thank you" I said as I pulled my arm away.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" Taylor said.

"No no you didn't it's just I have a girlfriend and the last thing I want to do is hurt her" I said.

"No I understand I have a well had a  girl friend too but you know things happen " Taylor said with a slight smile.

"I'm sorry about that" I said

"No it's okay, now go home to you're girlfriend I'm sure she's worried about you" Taylor said.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure she is after the 200 text messages and miss calls I have but thank you very much" I said as I got up from the bed.

"You're welcome and can I have you're number so we can hang out sometime and I can meet your girlfriend" Taylor asked

"Yeah sure" I said.


After exchanging numbers with Taylor and both saying our goodbyes I finally made it home I walked to the front door and stood there debating if I should go in or not.

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