Chapter 11

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10 am the next morning

Liv's pov
I was up all night with these thoughts of mine again, I got up last night and started to self harm again until I felt okay enough to stop and get back into the bed, Jenna is currently sleeping but she has to get up because she has a nail appointment.

"Baby, you gotta get up remember" I said as I started rubbing her hair.

"Mmm five more minutes" Jenna said.

"Baby it's already 10 and you take forever to get ready" I said

"Yeah you're right" Jenna said as she looked up at me and gave me a kiss then she got up from the bed.

"Do you want me to grab anything while I'm out" Jenna asked.

"No thank you baby" I said

"Madi's and Katie's coming with me so I'll be out for a couple of hours" Jenna said as she walked in the closet to grab her clothes to put on after she showers.

"Okay baby" I said

"If you need me or anything call me and I'll be right here in a heartbeat" Jenna said.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you more babe" Jenna said


Jenna's been gone for about an hour now, me Jayce and Nolan are in my gaming room playing the game I've been beating them at since we started.

"Damn Liv give us a chance to win" Nolan joked.

"Nah I'm good" I said

"Nolan's just a sore loser" Jayce said

"Jayce shut up you not winning shit either" Nolan said.

"Fuck and we just lost again" Jayce said

"What do you guys wanna do now because I'm tired of beating y'all" I said

"I actually got to get going me and my lady going out to dinner later on" Nolan said.

"Fuck out of here Nolan, what she do call you and beg you to take her out somewhere" Jayce joked.

"No she didn't you fucker, alright guys I'll talk to y'all later" Nolan said as he dapped me and Jayce up.

"Well that just leaves us two" Jayce said

"Let's play madden since I done beat you at every thing else" I said.

Jayce was about to respond but my phone dinged. I looked at it to see a message from Jenna.

Text messages

Hey baby you okay?

Hey love yeah I'm fine, I'm about to beat Jayce ass in a game again

Lol I'm not surprised but okay babe I'll probably be home in a hour or two Madi has me in this lingerie store😉

Ok baby, get something sexy😋

I most definitely will, I love you.

I love you too

I love you more, okay I gtg now❤️

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