Chapter 16

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(Same day)
Liv's pov

Me and Jenna finished eating but we're still sitting at the table talking to Madi and Katie i kind of zoned out because now there talking about make up products or whatever so I took my phone out and started scrolling on instagram when I got a message from Taylor.

(Text messages)

Hey are you busy I'm off today and I'm about to grab a coffee and I wanted to see if you want to come with me?

Yeah sure I was eating breakfast with my girl but I'm gonna take a quick shower then I'll be out

Oh well bring her with you

we have friends over and there talking about make up so I doubt she'll go anywhere.

Oh damn i wanna meet her I guess I will another day.

Hey how about you just come over here you can meet her and some of our friends, I'll send you the address .

Yayyy okay.



(End of message)


"Hey babe I'm gonna go shower I'll be right back"i said as I got up from the table.

"Okay babe" Jenna said as she started back talking to Katie and Madi.

I began to get my clothes and get in the shower.

Jenna's pov

Me Madi and Katie are still sitting at the dining room table talking when the door bell rang. I got up and walked to the door and  I opened it to see a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes she's about Liv's height and she's wearing a black crop top and some pants with some converse's.

"Hi" she said.

"Um hey, I'm sorry who are you" I asked confused.

"Oh sorry I'm Taylor Liv invited me over you must be her girlfriend" Taylor said

"Yes I'm her girlfriend my name is Jenna" I said to her as I backed up from the door to let her in.

She walked in then I closed the door. She followed me into the dining room and sat down.

"These are my friend's Katie and Madison" I said.

"Hey" Katie said as she looked at Taylor then at me .

"Hello" Madi said.

"I'll be back I'm going to go get Liv" I said as i left the table.

I walked upstairs to the bedroom then to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Babe it's a girl named Taylor downstairs she said you invited her over here" I said.

"Okay I'll be down there in a second" Liv said as she walked out the bathroom with a black crop top tank top on and some Joggers and socks on.

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