Chapter 38

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Jenna's pov

Was taking that ring off my finger a stupid mistake yes and do i regret it yes but i just don't know what to do anymore, it's been an hour since Liv left the house and Katie came upstairs to comfort me but she called someone and i think she left after that so now i'm here in the bed laying down, just me and my thoughts the baby has also been kicking a lot since earlier, i think it's weird how he doesn't kick at all when Liv's around and if he do it's only like 5 seconds but when she's not around he's constantly kicking my stomach

"Jenna we gotta go" Maddie says has she bust through the bedroom door

"Jeez madi are you trying to give me a heart attack" i say as i sit up

"We have to go like now Jenna" Maddie says as she walks into the closet and grabs a hoodie and my shoes

"What's going on" i ask

"Katie called and said we need to meet her at the hospital" Maddie says

"Is she hurt or something" i ask as i get out the bed

"N-no" Maddie says as she roams around the room in panic mode

"Then tell me what's going on" I say

"Umm-it's Liv" Maddie says hesitantly

"What's wrong with her" i say as i'm now starting to panic

"I'll tell you in the car, we have to go" Maddie says

I hurry up and grab my stuff and go to the car, Maddie pulls out of the driveway as soon as she shuts her door

"Maddie if you don't tell me what's wrong with her right now I'm going to flip out" i say

"She-she got into a really bad wreck and it's not- it's not looking good their air lifting her to the hospital because she's not breathing" Maddie says as her lips began to quiver

My heart feels like it's been ripped out and my hands starts to shake and i can feel my anxiety start to take over

"Hey- look at me it's going to be okay we- we just have to think positive about this" Maddie says

"N-no this isn't real this isn't happening right now" i say as I close my eyes and shake my head repeatedly

I feel the car stop and i open my now watery eyes and notice that we're in the hospital parking lot, my door opens and Maddie takes my seat belt off

"Here drink this and take deep breaths or you're gonna have an anxiety attack" Maddie says as she hands me the water

I take a sip of the water and sit it down and get out of the car, Liv's the only thing on my mind right now, this is my fault.

Me and Maddie walk into the hospital some other way, we get to a private room i'm guessing and Katie and fucking Taylor is in here, Katie comes up and immediately hugs me

"I know you want to cuss her out but if it wasn't for her i don't think Liv would've made it to the hospital " Katie whispered in my ear

"Did the doctors say anything about Liv" i ask

"No they just told us that they're gonna do all they can" Katie says

"This is my fault" i say as i start crying

"Its not" Katie say as she rubs my back

"Hey I'm gonna go see if i can find something out about her" Taylor said

"Okay" Katie said

We pulled away from each other and i went over and sat down, Jayce and Nolan comes speed walking in here and Katie's now explaining to them what's going on

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