Chapter 22

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Liv's pov
I drove to Taylor's house a started knocking hard on her door, she opened the door and smiled at me.

"I knew you would come back" Taylor said.

"What the fuck is wrong with you why would you lie to Jenna you know we didn't do anything you bitch" I said as I shoved her to ground and shut the door.

"We can do something now since she already thinks you cheated on her" Taylor said with that ugly ass smile on her face.

I grabbed her by her shirt and drug her across the floor and picked her up and slammed her against the wall. "I like being man handle Liv this is really turning me on" Taylor said.

"Why would you do this knowing me and her have a baby on the way, you ruined my fucking relationship" I yelled to her face.

"I ruined it so me and you can be together now come on baby let's go have some fun together" Taylor said

"Shut the fuck up before I do it for you" I said as I threw her on the ground.

" do it then baby" Taylor said

I sat on top of her and punched her in the mouth, her lip began to bleed, she spit the blood out her mouth and shoved me off of her, then she climbed on top of me and began punching me also, I dodged most of them but she hit my bottom lip and it started bleeding, " get the fuck off of me you crazy bitch" I said as I got up and ran out the door and into my car.

I pulled out my phone and called Katie.

"Hey my big baby" Katie said

"Katie I need your help" I said

"What's wrong" Katie said.

"Taylor invited me over to her house today to hang out and I went over there, she asked me to take my hoodie and pants off because I was sitting on her bed because we was getting ready to watch a movie, she asked me to do that because she said she has bad allergies i offered to sit on the floor but she told me not to so I ended up taking them off, i only had boxers and shirt on i purposely sat on the edge of the bed and covered my private area with my hoodie because I felt uncomfortable then before the movie started she asked me to get something from behind the tv so I got up and grabbed it, I guess while I was grabbing the remote she took a picture to make it seem like we just had sex and she sent it to Jenna and I didn't know anything about it until I got home and Jenna accused me of cheating on her" I said.

"I knew I didn't like that bitch the first day I met her" Katie said.

"Can you please tell Jenna all of this I tried to tell her but she kicked me out the house" I said.

"Yes I got you but where are you now" Katie said.

"I'm sitting in the car I just left Taylor house to confront her and now we both have a busted lip" I said.

"What, Liv stay away from that crazy bitch just come over to my house okay I'm getting ready to call Jenna and tell her everything now come over here" Katie said.

"Okay thank you" I said as I hung up the phone.

I'm now driving to Katie house


Jenna's pov
Here I am left alone during my pregnancy I guess this was her way of keeping her promise, i fucking hate her. I wish I can drink right about now. I'll just continue to lay in the bed and cry until i can't anymore.

My phone began to ring  on the night stand as I laid back down in the bed.

"Hello" I said as I picked up my phone and answered it.

"Jenna" Katie said

"If it's anything containing Liv I'm gonna hang up" I said.

"No Jen just hear me out please" Katie said

"Talk" I said

"Liv told me the whole story, that bitch set her up Taylor invited her over to hang out and she decided that they was going to watch a movie, she told Liv to sit on the bed and get comfortable but she had to take her clothes off because the bitch apparently has bad allergies, Liv told her that she would sit on the floor and Taylor told her no and she can only take her hoodie and pants off, Liv did but after that she purposely sat on the edge of the bed with her hoodie covering her private area because she felt uncomfortable, Taylor then asked her to get something from behind the tv and that's when she took that picture, as soon as the movie ended Liv got up and left, now come on Jenna we knew that bitch was weird when we first met her at your house the other day" Katie said.

"Where she at now" I asked

"She's suppose to be on her way over here she went to that crazy bitch house and confronted her and I guess they got into a fight because she said both of them have a busted lip" Katie said

"I'm about to come over there" I said as I got up and grabbed my keys.

"Okay beautiful be safe" Katie said

"Okay" I said as I hung up the phone and got into my car.

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