Chapter 36

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Liv's pov
Me and Ari are laying in bed watching movies and eating pizza, i started to hear my phone ringing so I picked it up to look at the caller Id and it's Jenna, I just looked at the phone then at Ari who's already looking at me .

"You're not gonna answer that" Ari asked

"No" I said

"She's not gonna stop calling you and something could be wrong Liv, you need to answer it" Ari said

"No, I'm sure she's fine, she was okay with kicking me out the other day she should be fine now" I said

"Liv you can't think like that, what if she's calling you to forgive you for what you did" Ariana said

"I'm not talking to her right now she literally kicked me out of the house like I was nothing to her" i said

"Ok Liv but you can't think like that" Ariana said

"I can think like this and I deserve to think like this" I said

"Liv she's in that big ass house by herself while she's pregnant" Ariana said

"She wants a break from me so that's what I'm giving her" I said.

"See she's calling you again Liv just fucking answer and stop being stubborn" Ariana said

I grabbed my phone and declined Jenna's call and put my phone in my pocket and walked out of Ariana's room.

"Where are you going" Ariana said

"You got any alcohol" I said

"3rd shelf right cabinet in the kitchen" Ariana said

I made my way into the kitchen and grab the alcohol out the cabinet and poured me some in a cup. "Pour me some too" Ariana said

I poured her some and gave it to her, we both sat in silence while we drank our alcohol.


It's been a hour already and me and Ariana sitting in the bed up against the headboard of the bed watching tv, Jenna's been calling my phone nonstop so I put it on dnd, I'm starting to feel the alcohol and I'm pretty sure Ari is to because she keeps staring at me.

"What" I say in a low tone as I stare back at her

"Nothing I think the alcohol's getting to me" Ariana said.

I watched as her eyes went to my lips then back to my eyes, "I'm not gonna hurt Jenna, Ari" I said .

"I know, I'm sorry"Ari said as she looked back at the tv.

"It's not you it's the alcohol so don't apologize" I said as i laid my head back on the headboard and put my focus on the tv

"I really regret drinking it right now" Ari said as she sat up and rubbed her face

"I'm gonna go get you some water" I said as i got up from the bed and walked to the kitchen

I know Arianna's a really good friend and she wouldn't do anything that'll jeopardize my relationship with Jenna, i mean yeah me and her dated a long time ago and we had sex multiple times while we were dating but that's changed now, anyway I took my phone out and took it off dnd to see that i have 100 missed calls from Jenna, i didn't even know it can reach that number

"You need to call her" Arianna said as she walked in the kitchen all wobbly

"No, she'll be alright" i said as i put my phone in my pocket

"She's your wife liv and she's carrying your baby" Arianna said

"Yeah, thanks for the reminder now let's get you back in that bed" i said as i grabbed the water and picked Arianna up and carried her to the bed


Jenna's pov

I don't know how many times I've called liv but she hasn't answered none of them and i'm worried about her right now because of this nightmare I just had and it seemed so real and i'm scared and being in this big ass house by myself isn't making it any better so i called Katie over here to stay with me even though it's the middle of the night and she agreed to it, the baby is kicking my stomach right now and usually when he does that  liv likes to lay her hand on the spot and rub it and he'll stop but now that she's not here i'm trying to rub it but he's not stopping at all

Katie just texted me that she's here so now I'm up walking downstairs to open the door for her, "hey beautiful" Katie says as she walks through the door

"Hey thanks for coming" i say as I shut the door behind her

"Don't thank me Jenna you know ill do anything for you now let's get you back in the bed" Katie says

We get back upstairs to the room and i lay down in the bed while Katie covers me up, she volunteered to sleep in the guest room but i asked her if she can sleep in here with me, i had her take Liv's  pillows and sit them in the closet and get some new ones because liv hates when someone else other than her sleeps on her pillow, she won't even let me sleep on it and that's because she swears up and down that i slobber in my sleep but i don't think i do.

"I really appreciate you Katie, this whole pregnancy has been a roller coaster and with liv going through all of this i don't think she's mentally prepared for when the baby gets here like she's taking drugs and i don't understand it, we literally have a baby on the way why doesn't she realize that" i say as i start to feel tears form in my eyes

"Hey hey don't cry we're gonna have to get her some help although she doesn't want it, we're gonna have to keep trying and maybe just maybe she'll give in and when the baby gets here she might change completely" Katie says as she rubs my hair

"But what if she doesn't" i ask

"We just have to wait and see" Katie says

I don't know what I'll do without my friends, i really love them with all my heart.

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