Chapter 5

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Liv's pov
"Woah there Liv, fucked up already" Nolan said

"Nahhhh" I drunkly said.

"Liv you good" Jayce said

"Yeahhhh I'm totally fine" I drunkenly said

"Where's the rest of the umm the um group" I said.

"Katie wanted Jenna and Madi to meet one of her friends so there some where around here" Nolan said.

"Oh" I said as I opened the bottle and drunk some more of the vodka.

"Hey I don't think you should drink the rest of that" Nolan said.

"What are youuuu the alcohol police, I'm fineee bro" I said as I tried to stand up but stumbled a little.

" where you going" jayce said.

"Wherever the alcohol takes me" I said with a laugh, i stumbled my way through the crowd that was in the house and made my way back over to the alcohol section .

"Aye no Olivia you don't need another bottle of anything the rest of the night" Nolan said .

"Why are you following me dude" I said

"Because you're drunk and can burly walk" Nolan said

"I can walk" I said

"No now put that bottle down" Nolan said

"Fine I'll j-just drink the rest of this one" I said as I stumbled away from him.

I walked back out side to see Jenna walking towards me, "fuck here we go" I thought to myself.

"Babe did you seriously drink that whole bottle of alcohol by yourself" Jenna said as she tried to grab the bottle away from me.

"Yeahhh I did it's my birthday let me have fun" I said .

"Babe you can burly walk right now" Jenna said as she tried to grab the bottle again.

"Stoppp baby, I'm fine see I can walk norm-"

"LIV" Jenna screamed


Jenna's pov

"Shit, someone help me get her out the pool before she drown" I yelled

Nolan and Jayce ran into the pool and grabbed Liv, they picked her up and laid her on the grass and she started laughing, I'm really trying to not get aggravated right now .

Nolan picked her up and took her to the fire pit and sat her down on the chair, Jayce had brought a towel and a blanket to wrap around her.

"Liv this isn't funny you could have drown" I said calmly.

"I didn't do anything" Liv said

"You drunk a whole bottle of alcohol then you fell into a pool Liv" I said

She mumbled something and then looked away.
"What did you say" I asked

"I drink one time tonight and now I'm in the wrong" Liv said

"No you just did something irresponsible" I said

"What's going on" Katie asked

"Nothing I wanna go to the room" Liv said as she threw the towels and blankets off of her .

"What no you have to enjoy the party Liv" Madi said.

"No I just wanna go to the room" Liv said.

"What happened" Madi asked

"She drunk a whole bottle of vodka and then she fell into the pool which was very dangerous for her to do" I said while Jayce is helping Liv up .

He carried her up to the room and I followed them, I told him to sit her on the toilet seat so the bed wouldn't get wet if she tried to lay on it .

"We'll be downstairs if you need us" Jayce said as he walked out of the door.

"What was you thinking Liv, drinking a whole bottle of vodka are serious right now" I said .

"I don't wanna talk right now Jenna" Liv said as she grabbed her stomach. She jumped up and lifted the toilet seat up and started throwing up. I held her hair while she did it.

5 minutes later she finished, I gave her a towel to wipe her mouth, she wanted to take her wet clothes off and jump in the shower so she did and I helped her wash off after that I helped her dry off then I grabbed her some comfortable clothes and put them on her.

"I'm going back downstairs" Liv said

"You're not sober enough Liv" I said as I blocked her away from the door.

"Yes I am now excuse me" Liv said

"No Liv" I said

"It's my party now let me go out and enjoy it" Liv said as she picked me up and laid me on the bed.

"No Liv I'm not Joking, me and you both know that when you go back down there you're gonna find some way to get some alcohol in you're system again" I said

"Baby I promise I'm not okay, you can stay by my side until it's over baby" Liv said as she gave me them puppy eyes

"Fuck okay let's go"  I said.


Liv's pov

We walked back downstairs to the party , not even five minutes Katie came over and asked Jenna for help she told me to stay here on the couch but it's pretty boring sitting here and watching everybody have fun, but I guess it'll be okay.

"You're the birthday girl right" some random dude said.

"Umm yeah I am actually" I said

"Here try this and this will be you're best birthday you ever had" he said

"Um what is it" I said as I looked at the little baggie in his hand .

"It's a pill that'll make you feel really good I swear I take one almost everyday" he said as he put the little bag in my hand.

"I'm good, thanks anyway" I said

"Aw come on man just take one I promise you won't regret it, it's your birthday why not make it a night to remember" he said

"Fuck it, I already don't wanna be here anyways" I said as I put the pill in my mouth and swallowed it, he handed me a bottle of water.

"Wait do you have any alcohol in your system" he asked

"Yeah why" I asked as he looked at me with a worried face.

" fuck, you can't take that type of pill with alcohol in your system it's dangerous" he said as his face got even more worried.

"Dude chill I'm sure I'll be fine, now relax okay" I said as I patted his shoulder.

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