Chapter 17

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(Still the same day) + (smut)
Liv's pov

"Guys what the actual fuck" i said as I sat back down and looked at all three of them.

"What" Katie said

"Its really immature of y'all to think that I have something going on with Taylor especially you Jenna" I said.

"I never said that so stop putting words into my mouth okay, I just don't like what you said before she interrupted you" Jenna said.

"Liv you can't get mad at us because you did this" Katie said

"Yeah let's blame everything on me again" I said

"Jenna I'm sorry I didn't tell you about her okay" I said as I laid my hand on her thigh.

"Don't touch me" Jenna said as she pushed my hand off of her

"Baby come on I know I'm wrong for not telling you about her but I apologized okay and it won't happen again next time I'll tell you" I said

"I'm not even upset about that I don't care who you bring over here, I just don't like what you said a few minutes ago" Jenna said

"We're gonna go because you Liv just dug yourself into a deep hole and now you have to try to fix it so you can crawl yourself out of it, let's go Madi, Bye Jen" Katie said as her and Madi stood up.

"Liv try not to say anything that'll make that hole deeper you know you're good for that bye Jenna " Madi joked.

"Goodbye y'all two thanks for the advice i really really needed that" I said as i jokingly stuck my middle fingers up at them then shut the door.

I walked back in the dining room and picked Jenna up and sat her on the island table in the kitchen.

"Why are we in here" Jenna asked

"Because the table is a little lower than this and I need to be eye level with you right now that's why we're in here now can you please stop being mad at me" I said

"No because obviously I'm not your girlfriend I'm just a girl you're fucking" Jenna said

"Baby I didn't mean it like that, why would I cheat on you when I have you I'll be stupid if I mess everything we have going on up and you're not just a girl I'm fucking you're my beautiful girlfriend that I love so much" I said to Jenna.

"Show me how much you love me" Jenna said.

I smiled at Jenna when she said that then i picked her up and took the the bed room and laid her on the bed and we started making out roughly, I left her lips and moved down to her neck and started sucking on it and leaving love bites, after that I sat up and took my hoodie off of her then her big t-shirt she had on and now her underwear since she didn't have a bra on.

I began taking my tank top off and then my bra and now my joggers and my boxers and threw on the floor, I made my way back to Jenna's neck and started sucking on it again, her hand made its way to my cock and she started stroking it.
"Fuck" I moaned against her skin, she started stroking it faster and i became a moaning mess, I grabbed her hand that was stroking my cock and put it over her head, "I have to make you cum first love" I said to her as I began to suck on her nipples and biting on them, "shit that feels good" Jenna said.

I began to massage her breast while I move down to her waist line and began kissing there, I then made my way down to her inner thighs, "babe fuck me already" Jenna said, lol you don't have to tell me twice, I began to spread her legs apart and start kissing her folds, I put her legs on my shoulder then I took both of my thumbs and pulled her lips apart then I placed my mouth on her clit and begin sucking on it.

"Oh fuck baby" Jenna moaned out as she gripped my head tighter, her back began to lift up i quickly sat up, "b-babe why you stop" Jenna said with a frustrated tone.

"I want you to cum with me" I said as I began to rub my penis against her folds, "wait we need a condom" I also said, "no baby just pull out" Jenna said.

" baby we never fuck without one" I said.

"Let this be our first time doing it without one then, I'm sure your pull out game is strong now come on I need you inside of me" Jenna said.

I began to slowly stick my cock inside of her and stroke her slowly so she can adjust to it, "fuck baby you're so big" Jenna moaned, I then began to go deeper into to her now that she adjusted to it I started picking up my pace, she wrapped her legs around my waist and I put my head on her shoulder, "fuck you feel good baby" I said.

I started stroking her faster and she started digging her nails into my back, " baby I'm gonna cum oh fuck" Jenna moaned out, the deeper i went into her core the more she dug her nails into my back, I started stroking her harder and even more deeper, her moans began to put me in a trance I closed my eyes and blacked out.

I don't know how long I was blacked out for but I lifted my head up to Jenna having a orgasm, her mouth is wide open and her eyes are rolled back and she's shaking but she continued to dig her nails in my back as I kept stroking her through her orgasm i started to feel myself about to cum, i was about to take my cock out but Jenna stopped me.

"I'm about to cum baby" I moaned out.

"Just keep going babe I want another orgasm" Jenna said as she wrapped her legs around my waist again , "Jenna if I don't pull out I'm gonna cum inside of you" i said.

"It's okay baby just keep going, you can't get me pregnant right" Jenna said.

"I don't think so baby, fuck I'm so close" I said.

A few seconds later I began cumin inside of her and she did also, when I finished I gave her a kiss then I laid on my back .

"You literally destroyed my insides" Jenna said while she was trying to catch her breath.

"I couldn't help it you made my dick feel good" I said as I began to laugh.

"Okay we need to get washed up I feel sticky" Jenna said.

I watched her stand up and fall down on the floor. "Shit baby are you okay" I said as i stood up from the bed and picked her up.

"I got the jelly legs" Jenna said as she began to laugh.

I sat her down on the sink counter top as I walk in the shower and cut it on and get it ready for us.

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