Chapter 25

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(The same day)
Liv's pov

I just woke up from my nap and it's 12:30 in the afternoon I turned over to see Jenna sitting up reading a book.

"Hey babe" Jenna said as she looked at me and smiled.

"Hey baby" I said as I also smiled.

"How was the workout this morning" Jenna said as she put her book down.

"It was good it didn't last long tho because they wanted to sit down and chit chat" I said

"I'm not surprised" Jenna joked

"Hey baby do you wanna come with me to the jewelry store today i want to check out this new watch they have" I said

"Sure babe i wanted to get out the house today anyways" Jenna said.

"Okay I already showered so I'm just gonna brush my teeth again and wash my face and put my clothes on" I said as I got up from the bed.

"I already took my shower also and I fixed me some breakfast while you were sleeping" Jenna said

"Oh shit I'm sorry i didn't fix you anything when I went down there, i didn't know what time you were going to get up and i didn't want it to just sit there and be cold" I said.

"It's okay baby" Jenna said.

I went over to her side of the bed and gave her a kiss then I went into the bathroom.


We're now at the jewelry store I'm pretending to look at these watches while Jenna's telling me which one she thinks would fit me after that I walked over to the wedding rings.

"Look babe isn't that pretty" I said as I pointed to a random ring so I could get her attention.

"Yes it is, oh babe look at this one now that's beautiful" Jenna said

"You wanna try it on so you can see it up close" I asked.

"Yess" Jenna said as she started smiling. I called one of the guys over to get it out the case and he let her try it on.

"How does it fit love" I asked

"It fits perfect babe maybe one day this will be mine " Jenna said as she stared at it in a awe.

"Maybe" I said

A couple minutes later Jenna took the ring off and gave it back to the guy then we made our way back to the car.

"Stay here baby I think I left my wallet in there" I said as i started patting my pants pockets, my wallets in my jacket pocket but I have to play it off.

"Okay baby I'll be sitting in the car" Jenna said.

I went back into the jewelry store and walked back over to the guy and told him that I want to buy the ring.

"Ohhh I see what you did there you're going to propose to her" he said

"Ahh you got me, yup I'm going to propose" I said.

"Aye that was a smart way to get her to pick out a wedding ring that she likes" he said.

"That was all apart of my plan man" I said.

He took the ring out of the glass case then put it into its box then we went to the register. "Alright your total is four thousand and one hundred Dollars and ninety nine cents" he said.

"Here you go" I said as I handed him my card.

"Damn just like that" he joked

We both laughed and he handed me my card back, "I doubt you want it in a bag" he said

"No imma put it in my jacket pocket so she won't see it" I said as he gave me the ring.

We both said our goodbyes to each other then I put the ring in my jacket pocket and walked back to the car.

"Did you find it babe" Jenna asked

"Yup baby it was laying on the floor it's a good thing nobody seen it" I said

"Yeah it is and do you think we should start getting the babies room together or wait until after we find out the gender and  what about the babies name" Jenna said

"Let's wait until after we find out the gender and you can name the baby it's only right since you're carrying them and going through the pain" i said

"No baby we're both going to sit down and pick some names out until we find the perfect one" Jenna said

"Whatever you wanna do baby I'm fine with it" I said as i patted her leg.

"Are you hungry" I also said

"No not really babe I been in the mood for a avocado salad lately so I'll probably fix one later" Jenna said

"Okay baby" I said.

Jenna looked at me like she wants to say something but she just turned her head.

"What's wrong love" I asked

"Nothing" Jenna said but i know when she's lying and she should know that.

"I know you're lying baby" I said

"When are you going to therapy" Jenna asked as she kept her head towards the window.

"I'm not" I said

"and why is that" Jenna said as she looks at me

"Because I'm going to get  better on my own" I said

"Liv" Jenna said

"You don't think I can  get better on my own" I said

"It's just its better to go to a therapist because trying to get better on your own might not work" Jenna said

"Oh and you think going to a therapist always work too" I said

"Yes" Jenna says

"Jenna don't even because there's people that spent years or months going to a therapist and they still ended up killing them selves" I said

"Maybe if you find the right one that won't be the case " Jenna said

"So you're saying that if they would've found the right therapist they would still be alive today, Jenna just stop it okay you sound stupid right now" I said as I began to get aggravated

"I wasn't talking about them Liv people are different and go through different things don't you dare paint that picture on me like I'm blaming people that committed suicide because they didn't find the right therapist" Jenna yelled as she began to get angry.

"Don't get mad because you brought this up you should've continued lying" I said

"Liv just stop talking to me" Jenna said

"I'm definitely not going to fucking therapy now" I said to myself.

Jenna heard me now she's even more mad at what I just said.

"That's on you if you want to miss out on your baby life's I'm not going to stop" Jenna said

"Nobody told you to stop me Jenna you involved yourself into this I didn't ask you to help me with my depression or stop me from killing myself I never asked you to do any of that you volunteered" I yelled out

"I'm trying to help you because I love you liv I stopped you from trying to commit because I fucking love you and I want to see you happy and enjoying life, I didn't do this because I'm your girlfriend I did this because I love you and I would do anything to see you happy again anything but it's like you're blind to that, it's like you don't want my help like right now" Jenna yelled as tears begin to fall down her face.

"Save your tears for my funeral since you think i can't get better on my own" I said as i slammed my car door and went into the house.

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