Chapter 3

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:) (Long chapter plus smut)
Jenna's pov

It's 7am in the morning and it's Liv's birthday, I'm getting up to cook her breakfast in bed I'm making her favorite breakfast meal which is waffles and eggs, after I finished cooking i fixed her plate and brung it into our room and sat it on her night stand with a glass of orange juice.

She's already sleeping on her back so I climbed on top of her and started kissing her all over her face so she can wake up, after 5 minutes of doing that she finally woke up .

"Happy birthday baby, I made you breakfast in bed it's you're favorite" I said

"Mm thank you baby" Liv said as she sat up against the headboard with me still on her.

"Here I wanna feed it to you" I said to her as I grabbed the plate and the fork and started feeding it to her.

"Mm this is good baby" Liv said

"Thank you babe" I said

"I have to go run a quick errand after this so I'll be back liv bug" I also said as I kissed Liv and got up from being on top of her and grabbed my keys and left .

I'm going to a couple stores to get my baby some birthday gifts, most of them are customized gold necklaces that I ordered and now their ready , then I got her a red guitar  signed by her favorite band the cardigan's I asked her parents to help me with that one , I know she's gonna be so excited.

She surprised me with a promise ring last year so now I'm gonna get her one.


Liv's pov

Fuck I'm so ready to get drunk tonight I feel like a different person when I'm under the influence but the only thing about it sometimes it goes good or bad especially now that my depression is worse, but fuck it I need to feel something different.

Anyways Jenna's still gone so I'm just going to lay in the bed until she gets back , I called to see where she was at and she told me she was in a store, Jenna likes to shop I can take 5 naps right now and she still won't be done with whatever she's doing .


I'm now waking up from my 2nd nap I grabbed my phone to look at the time not even noticing what's all around me, there's balloons all around the room that says happy birthday and there's a note on my night stand and some gift bags on the floor and big rectangular box right beside them.

I rubbed my eyes a little and grabbed the note to read it.

This is what took me so long lol, I love you so much baby and I'm so thankful that I get to experience you're birthday's with you, I never thought in a million years that I'll be writing this right now to the love of my life but look at me now anyways you are so so so special to me in so many ways and I'm glad I get to call you mine's, I hope today is special like you and I hope you make tonight a happy memory that you'll never forget... p.s I'm most likely downstairs right now so when you finish opening everything come here, I LOVE YOU.

From your future wife Jenna.

I'm not even gonna lie I just shedded a couple of tears while I was reading this, i really love this girl so much , now that I'm done being a baby I got up from the bed and sat on the floor where all the presents are. It's like 10 bags over here including this big ass box.


I just finished opening everything and also crying like a baby again, she really got me a guitar with signed by my favorite bang and I have birthday cards from each of the band members, I also have a bunch of new customized necklaces and rings then I have some Louis Vuitton loafers and another wallet with some shades from Dior and some fragrance's that I liked when I went to the store but I never got because they were always out of stock and I have some Prada boots. This girl really went all out for me, I'm so grateful for her.

I grabbed the jewelry and put it in the jewelry box in my bathroom because I'm gonna put it on later then I took the rest of the stuff and cut the light on in our walk in closet and put it up , after that I grabbed my hoodie and put it on then I grabbed the guitar and put it in my gaming room.

Now I'm making my way downstairs, Jenna's in the kitchen with her back towards me so I snuck behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Thank you so so so much baby, you didn't have to go all out for me like you did but I'm so grateful for that and you" I said.

"You deserve it babe" Jenna said as she turned around to face me with a big smile on her face.

"Can I show you what you deserve right now" I said as i started kissing her.

"Mhm" Jenna said as i started kissing her neck.

I picked her up and took her upstairs into our bedroom and laid her on the edge of the bed, we started making out aggressively then I made my way down her neck and started sucking on it and leaving marks behind every spot I sucked on.

I sat up and took my hoodie off only leaving me in my bra, then she took her shirt off she had on an oversized shirt with only her bra and her laced panties on, I looked at her body for a little and bit my lip, "fuck she looks so good like this right now" I thought to myself, I gave her a kiss then I made my way down to her boob's, I took her bra off and threw it then I placed my mouth on her nipples and started biting and sucking on them.

I'm sucking on one while my hand is squeezing the other one, then I switched it around, I then travel down to her thighs I sit up with her legs on my shoulders and i started kissing and sucking on her inner thighs after I finished that I leaned down and took her wet panties off and started kissing her waist line.

"Mmm looks like someone couldn't wait for this" I said with a laugh.

"Baby" Jenna said letting me know to stop teasing her and go on with it .

After she said that I got on my knees and opened her legs then i started kissing around her folds I put my mouth around her clit and started sucking on it gently she put her hands on my hair and started gripping it , I took my middle finger and stuck it inside of her and started going in and out .

"Fuck baby" Jenna moaned out

I stuck another finger inside of her and started stroking her faster while I'm still sucking her clit, I picked my speed up on her clit, she started gripping my hair tighter and her back  is starting to arch.

"Liv baby I'm about to cum" Jenna moaned out.

I picked my speed up even more and Jenna's moans got even louder a few seconds later her legs started shaking and I can feel the cum in my mouth and on my fingers, I left  my fingers inside of her so she can ride out her high, when she came down from it I took them out.

"Open your mouth" I said to Jenna as I stuck my fingers with her cum on them inside her mouth.

she licked them clean then I swallowed the rest I had in my mouth then I kissed her .

"Good girl baby" I said

" you make me feel so good, inside and out" Jenna said while she tried to catch her breath

I kissed her again then the door bell rang.

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