Chapter 30

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(5 months later)
Liv's pov
The past couple of months with Jenna's pregnancy has been alright except for her hormones there all over the fucking place, we have now been in over 90 arguments over nothing she cries about 5 times a day, one minute she loves me the next she doesn't, I'm trying to stay happy for the both of us but fuck it's hard.

We're currently sitting in the kitchen and of course she has an attitude because I didn't make her avocado toast right.

"Can you calm down about it I told you I can make you another one" I said

"No you should've made it right the first time" Jenna said

"I did make it right" I said

"No you didn't it doesn't taste like mine" Jenna said

"Then you get up and make it because I'm done with this, I'm not about to sit here and argue with you about a fucking avocado toast okay" I said as i started to get aggravated with the whole situation.

"Stop yelling at me" Jenna said as she began to cry.

Here we go again, ugh I'm about to go crazy.

"I wasn't yelling I'm just getting aggravated" I said as calm as possible

"You were yelling at me" Jenna said

"Fuck I can't wait till you have this baby so you can stop being like this" I said as I headed upstairs.

"Come here" Jenna yelled out.

I kept walking upstairs because I know what she's gonna do she's gonna yell at me some more then she's gonna get all emotional and make me feel bad, she's been doing this for 5 months now I'm not about to keep falling for it.

I grabbed a blunt I rolled up earlier and my lighter and my headphones and put them on my head so I can go outside and smoke because I'm stressed out right now and I need any and everything to calm me down.

I lit the blunt as I was walking downstairs to purposely piss Jenna off because she hates when I do that, i can feel her staring me down as I walk towards the door, I'm trying so hard not laugh right now anyways I walked out the patio door and walked over to the fire place outside and sat down and started smoking and staring at the beautiful view from my house.

A couple hours later I ended up falling asleep on the couch near the fire place but as I looked around I noticed a pillow and my blanket sitting beside me and a note.

Have fun sleeping out here tonight because you're not coming back inside since you pulled that little stunt earlier . Ps I locked the patio door so you can't get in now good night.

From your lovely wife Jenna.

"This fucking girl bro" I said to myself as I got up and made my way to the patio door and began to bang on it.

A few minutes later I stopped because she's not gonna come to the door and she meant that. Okay since she wanna do this I'm gonna get her back and it's gonna piss her off , i started walking towards the side of the house and sat down in the grass where she wouldn't be able to see me and pulled my phone and texted her.

Text message

Since you don't wanna let me back in the house I'm going to Taylor's house to sleep in her bed I'm sure she would love that. Goodnight❤️.

End of message


3 minutes later I could hear the patio door slide open and she started calling out for me, I'm hiding where she can't see me and I'm gonna stay here until I'm ready to get up.

After Jenna stop looking for me she went inside the house and she started calling my phone, I answered because she can't hear me since she's back inside.

"What" I said as I put the phone to my ear.

"Bring your ass home right now Olivia before I hurt you" Jenna said.

"No I'm in her bed about to go to sleep" i said without trying to laugh.

"You're a fucking cheater" Jenna said as she hung up the phone, I hurried up and ran to the patio door, I'm glad she left it unlocked. I opened it and looked around to find her and I heard a noise upstairs so I took off running up there.

I opened the bedroom door to see Jenna laying in the bed and her phone on the floor.

"Baby I was joking" i said as I ran over to her and hugged her.

"Why would you do that i really thought you was with her" Jenna said

"No baby I was trying to get you back for locking me out, I'm sorry" i said

"Please don't do that to again" Jenna said as she started laughing

I started laughing with her also then I gave her a kiss on her forehead and then her stomach. "Hey baby you know we get to find out what gender of our little bean is this weekend" I said

"Yes, I'm so excited I called Katie about 100 times asking her to tell me the gender because I can't wait" Jenna said

"I hope it's a boy cause I cannot deal with another you" I said

"Pfft I'm not that bad" Jenna said

I started to laugh and shake my head and she started laughing with me.

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