Chapter 7

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Same night

Liv's pov
"Can we talk tomorrow I'm tired" I said as I put the cover over my face.

"Why did you take the pill or did you take multiple" Jenna asked

"I took it because I wanted to now let me go to sleep" I said

"How did you get it" Jenna asked.

I didn't say anything to her I just closed my eyes because this is either about to go left or right and i really don't wanna argue with her about this at 1 in the morning.

"Liv answer me" Jenna said.

"Someone gave it to me okay Jenna, I was giving the pill and I took it" I said now getting aggravated.

" what made you do that" Jenna asked

"Can you stop with all the questions I'm really trying not to get pissed off" I said.

"If anyone should be mad it should be me and our  friends because of that stupid idea you decided to do , we could've lost you earlier because you wanted to pop a fucking pill that almost killed you, you just said fuck our feelings right".  Jenna said

"Nobody's wondering if I'm okay, I wake up to everyone being mad at me, maybe I should've just died at least I would of been happy and not sitting here listening to you questioning me and no if anyone should be mad it should be me because the fucking pill didn't do anything to me  but give me a trip to the stupid hospital, i should've took the rest of it and maybe I wouldn't be laying in this bed right now at least I would finally be at peace with myself and happy, I'm mentally exhausted and I'm ready to call everything quits but I'm still here for y'all if i didn't care about  y'all feelings I would've been dead a long time ago okay so don't say that shit when you don't know anything Jenna, you're quick to snap on me about stuff you don't even know the reason on.

"I'm sorry" Jenna said as she tried to grab my hand.

"No Jenna it's to late to say sorry, maybe you'll think before you speak next time, that's you're problem you don't fucking think" I said as I got up and grabbed my phone.

"Where you going babe" Jenna asked as she started to cry.

Fuck I hate seeing her cry but she needs to learn her lesson, I didn't say anything I just shut the door, I went down into the gym room and grabbed a cigarette and went to the backyard and laid against the gate and stared at the Los Angeles view for a hour, I heard someone walking up to me but I didn't look back and I kept smoking.

"Hey Liv, you okay" Madi said.

"Yeah I'm okay, just trying to stay calm" I said as I blew the smoke out of my mouth.

"Can I hit some" Madi asked

"Yeah here" I said as I handed it to her.

"Why are you out here by yourself" Madi asked

"Jenna pissed me off and I needed to get a break from her , wait did she send you out here" I asked

"No, I seen you walking into the gym room, I was in the kitchen but I walked in there to talk to you and I didn't see you so I figured you were out here" Madi said

"Are you mad at me too" I asked

"No , people make mistakes no matter how big the situation is yeah you could've died thank god you didn't but I'm not gonna hold that against you especially if you don't plan on it happening again"  Madi said

"I wish the others well Katie and Jenna were like you" I said

"It's okay I'm sure they'll get over it by tomorrow now let's go back inside it's getting cold out here and neither of us have a jacket" Madi said

"I hope so and yeah you're right" I said as I finished the cigarette and put it out , me and Madi both walked back into the house we told each other goodnight and went out separate ways, I went back into the bathroom and brushed my teeth then I got into the bed, Jenna's already sleep I really hope she didn't cry herself to sleep I never let her go to sleep sad or mad with me so I have to fix this right now .

I cut the lamp on the night stand on then I laid on the bed, Jenna's sleeping on her side facing the opposite side of me so i leaned over and wrapped my arm around her stomach and pulled her closer to me, i gave her a kiss on her head then I went to sleep .


Jenna's pov

Waking up to the birds chirping like there having a cock fight is aggravating, I turned over to see if Liv ever made it back into the bed but she's not in here so I sat up in the bed and rubbed my eyes and looked around the room, I can smell food being cooked downstairs but I can also hear a video game going on in Liv's game room.

I got out of the bed and grabbed one of Liv's hoodies and put it on and some socks since I only had a big shirt on with no underwear I grabbed me some of her boxers that she sleeps in and put some of them on also, I opened the door and walked out of the room then I knocked on Liv's gaming room, I heard someone say come in so I opened it to see Liv and Jayce playing a game, I walked over to the couch there sitting on and I sat on Liv's lap and wrapped my arms around her and laid my head on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry baby" I said as I whispered into her ear.

She gave me a gently squeeze on my leg and kissed my head, that's her way of telling me that it's okay.

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