Chapter 15

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(The same night)
Jenna's pov

It's the middle of the night I woke up to go to the bathroom but when I got back in the bed and laid on Liv's chest, i started to feel something wet on me i sat up and looked to see what it is and it's a big puddle of blood underneath her, I tried to call out her name but I couldn't talk and my hands couldn't move.

Turns out I was having a bad dream and I ended up jumping out of my sleep. I sat up to catch my breath and I started crying, Liv sat up and held me in her arms.

"Baby you okay" Liv said

"Yes I just had a nightmare about you" I said

"Everything's gonna be okay baby, do you need water or anything I'll get some for you" Liv said as she was ready to get out of the bed.

"No babe I need you" I said as I wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm here baby, I'm not going anywhere" Liv said as she started rubbing my hair, I laid my head down in the crook of her neck and held her tight as I can.

"B-baby you're  cuddle is a little tight there mate" Liv said.

"Sorry babe I just never wanna let you go" I said.

"It's fine baby I'm here let's just go back to sleep we both need it right now" Liv said as she kissed my lips.

"I love you babe" I whispered to her.

"I love you too"Liv said

"I love you more" I said

She gave me another kiss then we both drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to another fucking cock fight again ugh these damn birds, i rubbed my eyes and sat up Liv's in a deep sleep because she's snoring and she only snores when she's in a deep sleep, i smiled and gave her a kiss then I laid back on her chest i tried to go back to sleep but i can't so I just cut the tv on and turned to something entertaining since it's 6am.

Liv's snoring pretty loud so I shook her a little so she could quiet down and it worked, I'm thinking about taking her somewhere today since we haven't been out for a while but I don't know though she's been going through a lot lately and she's finally getting sleep so i don't want to mess that up for her, I'll more than likely ask Katie and Madi to come over later if there not busy.


It's now around 11am and i ended up falling back asleep I'm just now really getting up, Liv's still sleeping but i wanna make her some breakfast but first i have to see if she's gonna be hungry when she wakes up. I positioned myself so i can be face to face with her i started kissing her all over her face to see if that'll wake her up and it didn't then i started rubbing her cheek with my thumb and that didn't work either, you know what fuck it.

"Babe" I said as i shook her.

"Mmm"Liv said as she moved a little

"I'm sorry for waking you up but do you want breakfast" I asked.

"Mhm" Liv said before she fell back asleep.

I got out of the bed and grabbed my hoodie well her's and put it on and some socks then i made my way downstairs into the kitchen to start cooking I'm gonna make her some pancakes and eggs while I eat avocados with toast, my big baby is a picky eater so she doesn't like to kiss me after i eat anything with avocados it's funny to me though because i like to mess with her when it comes to this.

Anyways i do the pancakes and everything then I made her a plate and me one i sat everything on the table then i ran upstairs to wake her up. "Babe the foods done and we have to eat before it gets cold" I said.

She got up and we both headed downstairs but before she sat down I switched me and her plates out to mess with her, she's still in sleep mode so when she sat down she stared at the plate for a minute. "Babe eat before it gets cold" I jokingly said.

"Baby i love you but I'm not eating this shit" Liv said as she pushed the plate away.

"I know i know here" I said as I switched the plates out

"Now we're talking" Liv said as she looked at her plate then at me and smiled then she kissed my forehead.

Liv's so clingy because we're sitting here at the dining room table and it's big but she insists on me being beside her like I'm literally up under almost like from someone else perspective it would look like i'm sitting in the chair with her but I don't care I love when she's clingy it makes me happy.

"What are you thinking about" Liv said as she looked at me.

"Oh um you" I said

"What about me" Liv said

"I was just thinking about how clingy you are and that's one of the things i love about you" i said as I smiled at her.

"Oh yeah what else you love about me" Liv asked

"I love how you're so protective over me and how you'll drop everything in the world for me oh and I also love the way you make me happy and when you piss me off or something you make up for it and i also love how you make me feel inside and out" I said.

"Aww baby , I would love to make out with you right now but I'm not putting my lips on that avocado mouth of yours" Liv said as she laughed.

"You can always kiss me somewhere else" I said to her with a wink and started back eating.

"Let me kiss you there now" Liv said as she stopped eating and started gripping my upper thigh with her hand.

I was about to say something when the door bell rang, "well great" Liv said as she got up and walked to the door.

"You look like a fucking zombie" Katie said to Liv as she walked through the door.

"Hey Liv bug" Madi said as she gave Liv a hug.

Then all three of them made there way over here to me.

"Hey Jen" Madi said as she sat down.

"Hello beautiful" Katie said as she sat down beside Madi.

"Hey guys, y'all could've told me y'all was coming I would've made more food" I said.

"You're okay we had some breakfast earlier while we were out" Madi said.

"Yeah it's fine Jen" Katie said

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