Chapter 6

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15 minutes later
Liv's pov

Every body's singing me happy birthday, while I'm standing beside this big ass cake, I'm starting to feel light headed and everything's getting blurry but I'm trying to keep a smile on my face, Jenna's right beside singing also but it sounds like she's far away, my friend group is standing right beside Jenna singing also , and so are the big crowds behind them.

"Fuck I don't feel so good right now" I thought to myself.



Jenna's pov

"Baby" I said as I watched Liv pass out.

"Somebody call the ambulance now" I yelled

"Baby,please wake up PLEASE" I said as I laid my head on her chest.

"Y'all stay by her while me and Jayce get everyone out of here" Nolan said .

"OKAY EVERYBODY THE PARTIES OVER" Jayce yelled out as he said through the microphone.

"Check her pulse and see if she's still breathing" Madi said as she trying to stay calm.

"She's breathing but it's slow, shit where are the got damn ambulance" Katie said

"Baby p-please wake up I need you okay please just wake up," I said


We're now at the hospital sitting in a waiting room waiting on the doctor to come talk to us , we'll I'm not sitting I'm worried about Liv and I can't stop pacing around I don't even know how she's doing right now and I'm really scared I just hope she's okay, I can't loose her.

"Hey Jen, let's think positive okay come sit down until the doctor comes in" Katie says as she stops me from pacing around.

"No I can't just sit down and wait I need to know how's she doing, it's been 2 hours already" I said as I started to cry even worse.

As Katie was comforting me the doctor walked it.

"Olivia's family right? I'm doctor Dan" he said as he shook all of our hands.

"How is she" I asked trying to get to the point so I can know if we can see her or not.

"She's okay we ran some blood test on her and everything but it turns out she has alcohol in her system and Ecstasy in there also and she's very lucky that she's alive right now , mixing that kind of pill with alcohol is very dangerous" he said.

"What, she doesn't even take any pills and definitely not ecstasy how could this be possible" I said in a shocked way

"Most of the time that pill is used as a party pill, so maybe she was at a party and someone gave it to her or something" he said

"Is she awake" I asked him

"In another hour she will , y'all welcome to come to her room and wait for her to get up , I'm sure she'll be happy when she sees you guys " he said

We all said okay and made our way to her room, we walked in to see her sleeping with a Iv in her arm, I bent down and gave her a kiss on her soft lips, then I sat down and started running my fingers through her hair.

"Hey Jen, Nolan and Jayce got everybody out the house, they hired some cleaning people to stop buy so it should be clean by the time we get home" Madi said.

"Okay tell them I said Thank you" I said


30 minutes later

Liv's pov
I'm waking up to this bright light shining on my face I instantly shut them back but I open them again when I hear a sound of a machine.

"Baby, you're up" Jenna says as she stands up from her chair and walks over to me

I look at my arm to see a IV then I look back at Jenna. "Why am I here" I say

" apparently you took ecstasy while you had alcohol in your system and that's very dangerous you could've died" Jenna said.

"Liv what the fuck was you thinking" Madi said as she walked towards the bed with her hands crossed and a mad face.

"Fuck I thought it would work" I whispered to myself but apparently Jenna heard me .

"What would work?" Jenna said

"Nothing, when are they letting me go home I'm ready to go"I said as I reached for my IV to take it out.

"No Liv stop, you can't take that out, I'll find out okay" Jenna said as she stopped me from taking it out.

After a couple minutes Jenna comes back in with the doctor following behind her.

"Hello Mrs Scott, I'm happy to see you doing better, you're going to be released from the hospital and here's you're papers, I prescribed you some medicine to take for a couple days and you have to take these right or they won't work" he said.


After getting the Iv and stuff taken out of me we are now in the car Jenna hasn't said two things to me since we left the hospital , Katie told me she disappointed in me she don't even know what happen Madi's I don't know confusing, i don't care though because if anyone should be mad it should be me.

"Can I see your phone I'm bored and I don't have mine with me" I said to Jenna

She doesn't even say anything she just points at it letting me know that I can grab it, I opened it and watched two or three YouTube videos until we finally made it to our house, Jenna came to the side of my car and tried to help me but I declined it she seems to not be taking no as an answer though.

"No, I said I'm fine" I say to Jenna as I get out of the car and walk to the front door where Madi's ringing the doorbell.

Jayce opens the door and Madi let's me walk in first I kick my shoes off and go straight up the stairs to the bedroom not even stopping to say anything to Nolan or Jayce, I'm tired and the last thing I wanna talk about is how did this happen, I walked into the closet and change my clothes, after I finished i walked back in the room and cut the light off and got into the bed. Not even five minutes later the door burst open and the light is back on.

"We need to talk" Jenna says as she sits down on her side of the bed.

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