Chapter 10

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Jenna's pov
It is now Friday night and all of our friends are about to come over so we can have a game night, Liv seems to be doing okay but things have kind of been weird lately like she's starting to lock the closet door while she's in there then she goes to the bathroom and takes her shower but she locks the door behind her usually she leaves it unlock and let me sit in there and talk to her.

She stopped sleeping in big t-shirts and boxers instead she wears big shorts or pajama pants, she went out to workout one morning but after that she stopped, I asked her to get in the pool with me she just comes up with a lie or an excuse not to, and then the other night she took the bathroom trash out at 12 at night and she never did that before, then she faked that orgasm with me the other night I still can't believe that.


All of our friends are now here and we're sitting around the island about to play never have I ever, the game isn't fun without alcohol so i got that out along with some shot glasses and little snacks. Liv's sitting in front of me talking to Madi about whatever while the rest of us wait on Jayce to come back from the bathroom .

Liv's pov

"Okay guys I'm back let's get started I'll do the first one, never have I ever lied to my friends about their cooking" Jayce said

Nobody drunk to that

"All of you guys cook good so that question was wack Jayce" Katie said

"Yeah I know I just couldn't think of anything" Jayce said.

"Ok never have I ever went skinny dipping" Katie said

Everybody took a shot except for Madi

"Damn Madi you're missing out" Katie said

"Oh shut up" Madi said

"Neve have I ever faked an orgasm with my partner i'm currently with " Jenna said

Nobody took a shot to that but she looked at me like she expected me to, I looked at her with a confused face expression, I never faked anything with her especially an orgasm.

"Damn Jenna you came up with that question fast as shit, Liv don't tell me you're out here faking orgasms" Madi said

I just rolled my eyes and shook my head, do Jenna really think I faked an orgasm with her before.

"Never have I ever stolen something from the store" Jayce asked

Nobody took a shot to that except Jayce himself, we all looked at him with a curious look.

"I was a baby okay , I picked up a little toy car and played with it until I walked out of the store but my mom took it back" Jayce said

All of us just started laughing.


We played one more game and then we finished ever one is also tipsy well at least I am, Jenna told them to stay tonight since nobody can drive so everyone picked a room and went to it, I grabbed the alcohol bottle and sat on the island counter and poured me some in a cup, Jenna stood in front of me, I looked at her then back at my cup.

"You really think I faked a orgasm with you Jenna" I asked

"Yes" Jenna said

"Why" I asked

"The other night on the couch it sounded like you were forcing your moans out" Jenna said

"How can I force a moan out, you literally had me shaking and cuming, I'm pretty sure that orgasm was real" I said

"It was just I don't know I never heard you moan that way before" Jenna said

"But why didn't you come and ask me instead of asking that question earlier now they probably think I fake orgasms with you" I said

"I'm sorry I thought that would be a good idea to ask you without actually having to, that was stupid of me" Jenna said

"It's okay baby but just come to me with this type of stuff okay" I said

"Okay and enough of alcohol let's go to sleep" Jenna said as she took the cup out of my hand and threw it in the trash.

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