Chapter 31

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(Skipped to the gender reveal)

Jenna's pov
Katie knows the gender of our baby and she wants us to find out her way so now it's 8 at night and we're at the beach with all of our friends and some other people we know, Liv's somewhere around here talking to some of her childhood friends, i really hope she isn't near any alcohol right now because we all know how that goes.

"Where's Liv"Madi said

"I don't know she's around here somewhere" I said

"Well Katie wants y'all two for some pictures before she reveals the baby's gender" Madi said.

After a few minutes of looking for Liv we found her playing a corn hole game.

"Hey babe Katie wants to take some pictures before she tells us the gender of our baby" I said

"Okay my love where is she" Liv said as she grabbed my hand.

After a few minutes of looking for Katie we found her and then we started taking pictures with everyone, after that Katie and Madi wrapped something around our eyes and guided us somewhere.

"Okay where all gonna count to three as we take there blind folds off" Katie said




Me and Liv opened our eyes to see blue and pink smoke every where. I looked at Liv and she looked at me.

"Katie why is there pink and blue smoke " I asked

"Because y'all are having twins duh" Katie said

"What the fuck" Liv said as her smile dropped.

"I'm just kidding" Katie said

"Oh my god Katie don't do that" I said as i started to laugh. Liv put her hand to her chest and let out a deep breath.

"Okay okay guys it's time for the real reveal, light the fire works" Katie said as some people moved the banner and there stood big fire work boxes in the sand. Nolan and Jayce went over and began to light them up.

"Okay guys 3....2....1" Katie said

Me and Liv held hands then the fire works shot out blue. "Baby were having a boy" Liv screamed as she picked me up and spun me around.

"Yes we are babe" I said as my eyes began to fill with tear from how happy I am, everyone else started cheering for us while the fire work's continued to shoot out.

"I love you baby" I said as I gave her a long kiss.

"I love you too my love, I'm so happy I get to have my beautiful wife carry our baby boy" Liv said as tears began to fill her eyes also.

"I'm so happy for you guys" Nolan said

"Congratulations firecracker" some girl said as she got closer to us, I looked at Liv and she looked like a deer in headlights, she looked at me then back at the girl and she put me down.


Liv's pov

"Ari" I said as I let go of Jenna

"Yes it's me firecracker" Ari said

Ari was my childhood girlfriend in middle and also in high school but we broke up our freshman year, she was my best friend and we ended up dating but me and her realized that we were better off as friends that's why we broke up but after our freshman year we stopped talking to each other and that's when I met Jenna.

"It's been years since the last time I saw you" I said as we gave each other a hug.

"Yeah it really has" Ari said

I looked at Jenna to see her standing there confused. "Oh I'm sorry this is my wife Jenna, Jenna this is Ari she was my-"

"I was her best friend when we was in middle school and some of high school" Ari said as she smiled at me.

"Oh hey Ari it's nice meeting you" Jenna said as they shook hands.

"It's nice meeting you too" Ari said

Is it wrong for me to introduce my ex to my wife, fuck I don't know  but it's to late now.

"How did you know I was here" I said

"Jayce posted some stuff on his story and I asked him if I could surprise you and tell you congratulations and he said yeah" Ari said

"Okay well I'm glad you came to see me" I said

"Ariana what the hell are you doing here" My classmate Bryan said

Me Ari and Bryan had classes together when we were in school and we became close during those years.

"Hello prince Bryan" Ari said as she started laughing.

All three of us started having a conversation about school and everything, Jenna walked off I think because she let go of my hand.

"Man us three are finally together again, I remember when y'all two dated and I was third wheeling the whole time, I'm glad them days are over " Bryan said

I turned to see Jenna still standing beside me but she was staring off into a distance, "fucking Bryan and his loud ass mouth" I said in my head.

"Yeah um-it was great seeing you all, I'm gonna get going now i have a meeting tomorrow and again congratulations on the baby" Ari said

"okay um I'll catch you around some time and thank you for stopping by " I said

"thank you" Jenna said as she walked away.

"Really Bryan why would you say anything about us dating in the past"Ari said to Bryan as she hit his arm.

"Ohh I-I'm sorry I wasn't thinking" Bryan said

"Yeah I'm sure you wasn't I see a thing hasn't changed with your loud ass mouth" I said as I hit his shoulder also.

"I'll see you guys later, hey give me your numbers so we all can hangout again" Ari said

We exchanged numbers and we all said our goodbyes to each other, after that I took off to look for Jenna.

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