Chapter 27

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Jenna's pov
It's 7am on a Saturday morning Liv's up working out she should be back in here any second now, I'm in the bed debating if I should go back to sleep or not , my head feels like it's been hit by a brick and i took some medicine this morning so maybe it'll help me.

I closed my eyes for a little but liv dropped something while she was opening the door and it was loud as hell and it scared me. "Babe" i said as I sat up from the bed.

"I'm sorry baby I dropped my cup go back to sleep " Liv said as she walked over to me and kissed me on the forehead.

"I can't I have a headache" I said

"Did you take anything" Liv asked

"Yeah some Tylenol" I said

"I'm going to take a shower then I'll come give you a head massage" I said

I looked at her and smiled teasingly.

"Not that kind of head baby but I mean if you want me to then I'll be more than happy to do it" Liv said as she started rubbing the back of her neck, she does that when she get nervous.

"Do I make you nervous babe" i said

"Um no i-I'm gonna go take a shower then I'll be back" Liv said as she stopped rubbing the back of her neck and walked into our closet.

We been together for two years and I still make her nervous, I love it here.


Finally Liv's out the bathroom I was starting to get worried.

"Did you get lost in the bathroom babe" I asked

"You're real funny come here" Liv said as she climbed in the bed and hovered over me. We started staring at each other then our eyes went to each other's lips.

She broke the eye contact and connected her lips with mine and we started making out roughly.

"Damn the things I would do to you right now if you wasn't pregnant" Liv said as she backed up a little.

"There's still things you can do to me, I'm sure you can still fuck me with that  huge friend of yours even if I'm pregnant " I said

"Yeah but we're going out tonight and I don't need your walk to be fucked all up" Liv said

"Out where" I asked

"I can't tell you that it's a surprise" Liv said teasingly

"Tell me babe please" I said

"No baby you'll find out later" Liv said

"Fine I'll just fuck it out of you" i said as i grabbed her cock through her shorts, since she's still hovered over me so it's pretty easy for me to touch it.

"You're gonna get me hard now stop" Liv said

"No" i said as i grabbed it again.

"I just took a shower baby I promise when we get home we can do all the fucking we want okay" Liv said

"Okay okay fine" i said


I'm now getting ready for whatever liv has planned for us tonight, I'm wearing a black sundress with my hair down my stomach is still flat it doesn't even look like I'm pregnant but I know that's not going to last long anyways Liv's over here looking all sexy god I wanna rip them clothes off of her.

"Baby chop chop let's go" Liv said as she clapped her hands together

I finished  putting on a little bit of makeup then I grabbed my shoes and put them on now I'm walking out the door with Liv.

Liv's pov

Katie just texted me and told me that everything is done, I'm fucking sweating balls right now from how nervous I am, Jenna's in  the passenger seat looking like a full course meal like I can't even keep my eyes on the road because I'm to busy looking at her beautiful ass.

As we got closer to the parking lot where the beach is at Jenna started smiling " Aw babe you're bringing me to the beach" Jenna said.

"Yes baby we're having a little date night" I said as I parked my car.

We got out of the car and made our way on the beach it's dark out here and a little chilly so I gave Jenna my jacket and grabbed her shoes.

I almost forgot that Katie told me that it's a big will you marry me sign with lights on it standing on the beach so I have to cover  Jenna's eyes.

"Here baby tie this over your eyes" I said as I handed her a black scarf.

"Uh why babe" Jenna asked

"Just trust me baby" I said.

"Okay" Jenna said as she tied it around her eyes

"How am I gonna walk to the ocean I literally can't see anything babe" Jenna also said

"Come on I got you" I said as held my arm out for her to grab then we started back walking towards the ocean.

As we got closer and closer i became more nervous, we're now walking to the spot I'm  going to propose to her at, there's a trail of roses and lights lined up, our friends are standing to the side, Katie gave me a thumbs up and so did the rest of them.

"Here baby stand here I'll be right back" I said as I let go of Jenna to walk in front of the big sign i took the ring that's in the case out of my pocket then I got down on one knee to propose to her.

"Babe where you go it's quiet" Jenna said

"Babe" Jenna said as she started to sound a little worried, I giggled to myself.

"Babe" Jenna said again as she snatched the blindfold off her face, she looked at me then at the big sign around me then she looked at our friends then back at me and the tears began to stream down her face.

"Surprise my love" I said as I began to tear up also.

Jenna couldn't say anything from the shock she's in, I grabbed her hand and held it with my free hand, "baby I love you so much more than I can even tell you and I appreciate everything you've done for me and continue to do for me, these past 2 years of  our relationship has been the best years of my life and I'm so happy that you're the girl I get to be with and now I get to start  a family with, you make me so happy baby, you still give me butterflies like it's my first time seeing you, you're really the key that my heart was missing and I found it now I wanna take this next step in life and make you my wife, baby will you marry me" I said.

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