Chapter 39

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(The same day as previous chapter)
Jenna's pov

It's been 2 long hours since we got in Liv's room and she's knocked out from the medicine so she hasn't woke up yet, I'm sitting beside her bed and i'm holding her cold hand while the others are scattered around the room talking about whatever, i hate the way Liv looks right now it hurts to see her like this, her head is wrapped up with this white bandage and she has a cut on her lip, she also has a few scratches on her arms the doctor also told us that she may wake up confused a little bit but we just have to give her time .The cold air is starting to make me a little sleepy but i'm not going to sleep because i wanna be up when Liv wakes up, "you want anything out the snack machine Jenna" Jayce ask

"No I'm good" i say because food isn't my focus right now but i do need to eat so the baby can eat, "wait yeah just get me some chips or something" i say as i stop Jayce by grabbing his arm

Katie comes over and sit beside and i let Liv's hand go for a second so i can grab my stuff from Jayce, he froze and so did Katie, "look" Katie whispers as she points towards Liv

I look over at Liv to see her sitting up a little with her eyes open and she's looking at us confused, i put my stuff down and try to grab her hand but she moves it

"What am i doing here" Liv says as she looks at everyone in the room

"You got into a really bad wreck" Katie says

"Oh that explains why my head feels like it's been hit by a bus" Liv says

"You have stitches on a cut that's on your head so you have to be careful" Maddie says

"I wish i could hug you right now" Jayce says

"Bro you can i'm not gonna break" Liv laughs out

They get up and hug her one by one, i would hug her but i have a feeling she remembers what happened before the wreck so she's probably not gonna want to talk to me, Katie notices that i'm still sitting here so she waves her hand for me to come over but I shake my head no

They all break away from the hug and Nolan steps out because his girlfriend started calling him, Jayce decided that he needs real food he's going to get some pizza from somewhere near the hospital, Katie ask Maddie to help find the doctor because she has to thank him and now it's just me and Liv in here, the silence in here is loud

"Looks like I'm not gonna get out of the hospital today or probably tomorrow but I'll have Katie or Maddie gather all my stuff in the house and put it in my other car" Liv says

"No I don't want that to happen" I say

"This is what you want now that we're at this point you all of a sudden don't want it to happen anymore" Liv's says

"I never wanted it to happen Liv, you just put your own words in my mouth, all i want is for us to go to therapy before the baby gets here because we can't put him in the middle of our problems he doesn't deserve that" I say

"I don't want him in the middle of it either but-"

"Liv please we can try it for one day and if you don't like it then we won't have to go anymore" i say

"Okay okay I'll do it" Liv says

"I'm not pressuring you into doing this, i just want you to at least try it" I say

"I will, only for the sake of our baby" Liv says as she lays her head back

"What about us" i ask

"I-i don't know Jenna we'll figure it out when that time comes"Liv signs out

"So we're not together anymore" i ask as i look at her while it feels like my heart is about to spilt apart

"You took your ring off" Liv says

"I-i don't know why I took it off because none of those things you said to me in the room about the way i wish we didn't get into a relationship and etc wasn't true" I say

"Then why'd you take it off" Liv ask

"I don't know-"

"You took it off for a reason Jenna you can't just say you don't know" Liv says as i can hear the frustration in her voice

"I'm being honest Liv I don't know" i protest

"Bullshit" Liv yells out

"It's not bullshit Liv" I say

"You took your ring off after i told you to and if all the stuff i said wasn't true then why'd you take it off" Liv says

"I don't know for fuck sacks Liv- I don't know why I took it off maybe because I was mad with you and I still am but me being mad with you isn't gonna get us anywhere because we argued earlier and you almost died" I yell out now because I'm overwhelmed

She stays quiet as she lays her head down and stares at the ceiling

"Maybe we-maybe we should separate and we can just co parent when the baby gets here" Liv says

"Maybe you should stop talking because that's not about to happen because I love you" I say

"It's just a lot going on" Liv sighs

"and we're gonna get through it baby i promise" i say as i get up from my chair and sit on Liv's bed and hold her hand

"Have i ever told you how pretty you are" Liv says as she pushes my hair back behind my ear

"Plenty of times babe" i say as i feel my cheeks start to heat up

"Am i making you blush" Liv says with a smile on her face

I didn't say anything i just turned my head away from her so she can't look at me and she gently grabbed my face and turned me back around

"You know I'm gonna have to get down on one knee again to put that ring back on your finger and this time please don't take it off unless it's necessary" Liv also says

I shook my head okay and i started giving her kisses but i stopped once i realized that she has a cut on her lip that can easily open back up

"You're lip babe remember" i say as i look at her confused face

"Oh yeah i definitely forgot about that" Liv laughs out

Everybody's back in room now and Jayce brought some uno cards and some pizza and he brought me something since i don't eat pizza and i appreciate him for that anyways Liv's smiling a lot today and that makes me so happy because just a couple hours ago we didn't know if she was gonna make it or not, hopefully when we start therapy things will get better.

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