Chapter 32

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(The same night)

Liv's pov
"Katie have you seen Jenna anywhere" I said

"Yeah she's over there by the drinks, oh shit she's over there by the drinks" Katie said as me and her took off running towards Jenna.

As we ran over there towards her she's sitting down with a cup in her hand. "What are you drinking" i said as I took the cup from her.

"It's just ice" Jenna said.

I brung the cup to my nose to smell it to make sure she didn't have any alcohol in it, "babe it's just ice stop smelling it" Jenna said

"Sorry" I said to her as I handed the cup back

"You okay Jen" Katie said

"Yes, I'm just tired"Jenna said

"Why didn't you tell me baby we could've been said our goodbye's and left" I said

"I don't know" Jenna said

"Liv take her home and get her in the bed me and Madi will get everything cleaned up and out of here" Katie said

I shook my head okay then I grabbed me and Jenna's stuff and then we said our goodbyes to everybody and headed off to the car.

"You okay baby" I said

"Mhm" Jenna said


Me and Jenna are now at home in the bed, she's not sleep yet but she's being distant with me and i have a feeling it's because of Ariana . I'm currently scrolling through all the pictures I have in my phone from the gender reveal and Jenna's laying on my chest looking also.

As I'm scrolling through a picture of me and Ariana came up, I hurried up and scrolled past it.

"Go back" Jenna said

I went back to the picture and she grabbed the phone out of my hand, "she's pretty" Jenna said

"Not as pretty as you" I said

"Was y'all in a relationship before you met me or after"Jenna said

"Before, we broke up the end of freshman year and I met you during my sophomore year" i said

"Cool" Jenna said as she gave me my phone back.

"Baby" i said

"Mhm" Jenna said

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you when y'all met each other" I said

"No it's okay babe, it would've been awkward anyway now let's got to sleep" Jenna said as she gave me a kiss and laid back down on my chest.

"I love you" I said

"I love you more" Jenna said

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