Chapter 19

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(The same day)
Jenna's pov

I've been trying to go back to sleep but I can't because I'm still throwing up, fuck I'm gonna have to wake Liv up .

"Babe" I yelled out.

"BABE" I yelled out even louder.

Liv came running into the bathroom, "what's wrong baby" Liv said as she bent down beside me.

"I don't feel good I been throwing up since earlier this morning around 8 and I feel weak" I said

"Why didn't you wake me up baby and did you take some medicine" Liv said.

"Sorry i didn't wanna ruin your sleep and yes I took some but I threw it up, maybe I should eat something" I said.

"Yeah come on I'll fix us some breakfast" Liv said as she helped me up then we went downstairs.

She helped me sit down on the living room couch then she gave me a blanket and some water and cut the tv on until she finishes cooking.


"Here babe I made you your favorite" Liv said as she handed me my plate with avocado toast on there, I took a bite and I felt okay so I started eating the rest of it.

Liv sat beside me and ate her food then after that we watched some tv, "how are you feeling now" Liv asked.

"I think I'm gonna throw up again" I said as I grabbed my stomach . Liv ran and got me a bag and I threw everything that I ate up.

"I can call the family doctor and see if we can stop by his office today to see what's going on with you" Liv said as she rubbed my back and held my hair.

"No it's probably just a stomach virus I'll be fine" I said as I threw up again.

"You're throwing up and you feel weak baby you're gonna need a doctor to check and make sure your blood levels don't drop so yes I'm calling the doctor today"  Liv said

I love when she gets so dominant with me it turns me on so much but I'm not even gonna try anything because I feel like shit right now.

"Okay babe okay can you call him right now" I asked.

"Yeah I'll be back" Liv says as she gets up and goes upstairs


"We have to be there around 3 today so let's try to get some rest until then" Liv said as she stood up and reached out for my hand.

I helped her clean everything up then we both went into our bedroom and laid down.

Liv's pov

Me and Jenna took a nap well Jenna's still sleeping my nap only lasted 30 minutes because my head is killing me right now. I took a couple pills for it but now I have to wake Jenna up because it's now 1:50 and we have to be out the door by 2:30.

"Baby it's time to get up" I said as i stroked her hair.

"I don't want to" Jenna said

"Baby we have to see what's going on with you and it's already 2:00 now and we have to be out by 2:30" I said.

Jenna got up slowly from the bed and I walked over to help her get to the bathroom, "how do you feel now" I asked

"I feel okay just tired that's all" Jenna said.

"When we get back we can stay in the bed and watch movies if you're up for it" I said

"Duh I'm always up to spend time with you" Jenna said.

Me and her took a shower together and then we brushed our teeth and everything, we walked in the closet and put our clothes on, I made sure we both was comfortable then I grabbed everything she needed and we made it to the car.

The doctors office is about 15 minutes away from us so we should make it to there by 3 something if the traffic isn't bad, I mean it's California the traffic is always gonna be bad here.


We finally made it here i helped Jenna out the car and we went into the building to sign in and everything then we sat in the wait room until they called for us.

"You okay love" I asked

"Yes better than I was earlier this morning" Jenna said.

"Mrs Scott" One of the medical assistant called out . Me and Jenna got up and walked over to her , she greeted us and then took us to our room.

Jenna has to get blood taken and she's not to happy about that because she hates needles so I stood beside her and held her hand.

"Alrighty we got all we needed the doctor will be here once the results come back" The medical assistant said.

"Fuck them needles" Jenna said as she looked at her bandage arm.

"Aw baby needles aren't that bad" I joked.

"Why aren't you scared of them" Jenna asked.

"Why would I be scared of needles when I literally drug blades across my skin" I said with a slight laugh.

"Babe" Jenna said as she gave me a serious look.

"To far" I asked.

"Yes" Jenna said.

"I'm sorry" I said .

"How you doing with everything I'm sorry I haven't been asking you lately " Jenna said.

"Um I'm getting there well I'm trying with my depression I mean I still um have thoughts but there not as bad and I haven't self harm any after that night I left the house all bloody" I said.

Jenna was bout to say something but the doctor came knocking on the door, "hello Olivia and Jenna, so I have good news and I have bad news" Mr Cortez said.

Me and Jenna looked at each other then back at Mr Cortez, "I'll tell you the bad news first, so Jenna looks like you're going to be dealing with this for the next 9 months" Mr Cortez said

Jenna didn't catch on to what he said but I did.

"She can't be" I said to him.

"Yeah she is" Mr Cortez said with a smile.

" what's wrong " Jenna said with a curious look.

"Baby you're pregnant" i said to Jenna as I grabbed her hand.

Jenna looked at me I couldn't read her face she looked like she wanted to cry but then it looked like she wanted to smile.

"Congratulations you guys" Mr Cortez said

"H-how is this possible I mean yeah Liv has a penis but she's a girl" Jenna asked.

"She has a male private part so even if she's a girl it's gonna do all the things a male's would do and that includes getting you pregnant" Mr Cortez said .

"I'm gonna schedule you another appointment in two weeks for an ultrasound, Olivia tell your parents I said hello and you Jenna make sure you get some rest and stay healthy, I'm gonna prescribe some medicine for the nausea and throwing up now y'all have a good day and I'll see y'all in 2 weeks and don't worry y'all are going to be wonderful parents " Mr Cortez also said.

Me and Jenna just shook our heads then we gathered everything and headed to the car.

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