Chapter 23

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Liv's pov
Okay so I'm suppose to be on the way to Katie's house but I need something strong in my system i stopped by a alcohol store and bought a bottle of vodka, now I know drinking and driving is bad like really bad and I could be putting myself in danger and others in danger but I'm stressed the fuck out right now and I need this before I do something else to myself.

I opened the bottle and took a sip as I made my way to Katie's house, every time I came to a stop I took a sip or two or more than I am suppose to, as i got closer to Katie's house I took more stops and the more stops I took the more I picked up the bottle and drunk some i finally pulled into the driveway and drunkenly got out the car and knocked on the door. 

"Woah Liv are you drunk right now" Katie said as she stood at the door.

"and if i am" I slurred

"You seriously drove here drunk Liv what the fuck is wrong with you that could've ended badly" Katie yelled.

"Ugh are you gonna keep bitching the whole time because if you are I'm leaving" I said

"You're not going anywhere now give me your keys" Katie said

"No I'm leaving" I said as I slowly turned around.

"Jenna come here" Katie yelled out

As I got closer to my car door and opened the it, Jenna closed it back and stood in front of it.

"You're not going anywhere now get in the house" Jenna said.

"What are you gonna do accuse me of cheating on you again or push me away from you or kick me out again because you can't I'm already out" I said

"Liv just go in the house so we can talk okay" Jenna said

"No we can talk right here, the fact that you think I cheated on you proves that you never trusted me throughout our whole relationship" I said

"When someone sends a picture with you in your boxers and a shirt on obviously I'm gonna think you had sex with them because why else would you be in another girls room with boxers and a shirt on Liv" Jenna said

"I didn't fucking cheat on you Jenna I was set up okay" I said as I stumbled back a little.

"Okay let's go in the house" Katie said as she grabbed me by the arm and took me inside.

"Let me go Katie I wanna leave" I said.

"No Olivia your not yourself when you're drunk and god knows what you'll do if we let you out alone while you're drunk now sit down" Katie said as she pushed me onto the couch.

"I wish I had people who didn't care about me and let run my life how I want to" I said

"We're not about to let you go fuck your life up or take it away" Jenna said

"What if I wanna go fuck my life up or take it away" I said

"Then you'll miss our baby growing up you'll miss them taking there first steps, you miss their first time saying mommy or mama, you'll miss them being born, you'll miss everything" Jenna said.

"I'm surprised you'll actually want a cheater around the baby" I said.

"Liv stop, I know you didn't cheat on me okay Katie told me everything" Jenna said

"That's not the point the point is that you believed the bitch and you didn't even let me explain what happened to you" I said


"Okay guys let's all take a quick breather right quick, Liv zip your mouth close and Jenna come sit down you don't need to be getting aggravated while your pregnant" Katie said.

"I'll close my mouth when I'm dead" I said

"Katie can you get her some water so maybe she can sober up and stop talking like this" Jenna said.

"Okay Jenna I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything I promise none of this will happen ever again and if I have to do something really bad to that crazy bitch I will, I don't want anything to happen that'll jeopardize our relationship again" i said.

Katie handed Jenna a bottle of water then she gave it to me I opened it and drunk some, she then walked over and sat beside me.

"I would've went over there and beat the bitch up myself but i can't and I don't want you no where around her there's no telling what she's gonna do if she sees you again" Jenna said.

"I shouldn't of invited her over to our house because now she knows where we live" I said.

"So, let the whore bag try something I'll handle her myself" Katie said

"Nobody's gonna do anything except for me I'll handle her if she tries something again I mean i already hit her and slammed her against the wall and drug her but she seemed to find that attractive and begged me to fuck her" I said

"What" Jenna said

"Yeah she said she likes being man handled" I said

"No you did what" Jenna said

"We got into a fight that's why I have this cut on my lip" I said

"Yeah I know about your lip because Katie told me but i didn't know about all of that other stuff" Jenna said.

"Yeah anyways Katie do you have some medicine because I know this headache is gonna fuck me up tomorrow" I said

"Nobody told you to drink but yeah let me go get some" Katie said as she got up from the couch.

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