Chapter 41

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Jenna's pov

My birthday is in one more hour but I'm in the bed because I'm having really bad contractions right now, the baby is due Friday and the doctor told me and Liv that he can be here before that so Liv put his baby bag in the car and the rest of the stuff we are gonna need just in case we have to get up and rush to the hospital, Liv wanted me to go to the hospital tonight because of how much pain I'm in but i told her I'm fine and it's only Wednesday well it's about to be Thursday so I doubt he'll be here anyway me and Liv have been continuing our therapy sessions but i honestly don't know if it's helping her, i mean every time i ask her she tells me it's helping her but i don't know I've been with her long enough to know when she's lying or not but our relationship is going good and I'm happy about that

She's currently sleeping up against me, well I'm facing the opposite way of her and her stomach is pressed against my back and she has her arm wrapped around my waist and her head is on my pillow, she's been taking care of me these past couple of hours well she takes care of me every day but this time she burly wanted to leave my side when i would ask her to go get something for me and the faces she would make when she had to leave me was so cute

I'm going back to sleep now and maybe I'll feel better by tomorrow morning because I want to at least have a little energy to celebrate my birthday with Liv and our friends.


Liv's pov

I'm just now waking up and my shorts are literally soaked, i don't know what it is, i start to feel around Jenna and she's wet also and the bed is soaked, oh fuck her water probably broke

"Babe get up i think you're water broke" i say to Jenna as I hurry up and get out the bed,

"Babe come on we have to go to the hospital" i say as i gently shake her so she can get up

"I'm still sleepy" Jenna wines out

"Baby feel the bed" i say

She takes her hand and feels around it, once she realizes that it's wet she immediately sits up

"Oh shit" Jenna says

I ran to the closet and change my clothes while i also get some underwear and joggers for Jenna, once I'm done with that i go back over to Jenna and hurry up and change her clothes then I grab my keys and my phone and Jenna's phone and her blanket

"Are you in any pain" i ask

"A little but not as bad as-"

As I'm helping her up she wines out in pain and grabs her stomach

"What's wrong baby" i ask

"I spoke to soon- I'm hurting really bad right now" Jenna says

"Um-shit okay- I'm gonna carry you to the car" I say as i wrap the blanket over her arms and pick her up, it's a good thing i work out

Once i get her in the car I buckle her seat belt up then I run back over to the house door and lock it, now I'm back in the car, "baby don't speed" Jenna says

"I'm not love i promise" I say

Ever since i got into that wreck Jenna hasn't been a fan of letting me drive especially if I'm by myself and she definitely doesn't trust my driving skills anymore but i understand why she's like that because i did almost die

"Fuck this hurts" Jenna cries out

"We're almost there baby" i say as i lay my hand on her stomach

Were now in the hospital parking lot, I'm in the emergency room getting a wheelchair for Jenna and that's when i see Taylor talking to someone

"Taylor I need your help" i say

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