Chapter 37

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Liv's pov

Katie texted me this morning telling me to come back home to Jenna so we can talk whatever this is out and Arianna agreed with her, so I'm now on the way back home Jenna's probably pissed at me for not answering her calls in the last 3 days so I'm prepared for whatever's gonna happen when i walk through this door, I'm now walking in the house Katie's still here because her car is still outside so this can't be to bed anyways. I hear someone walking downstairs so I'm just gonna stand here

"Why are you standing here like you don't live here you dummy" Katie says as she walks over to me and gives me a hug

"I feel like i don't anymore" i say as i hung her back

"You two just need to talk about everything that's all now go upstairs to you're wife ill be down here" Katie says as she playfully shoves me

Slowly making my way upstairs, this shouldn't be bad because Katie's her and I'm sure they've talked about this already, once i make to the bedroom door i start knocking a little and she tells me to come in, she's sitting on the bed reading a book.

"Where have you been" Jenna immediately ask me

"I was staying with Ari" i say

"And you couldn't pick up your phone when I would call you" she said as she sat her book down

"You kicked me out Jenna so i was giving you space" i say as i lean up against the wall

"You still could've answered the phone what if i fail or something and i needed to go to the hospital" Jenna says

"I'm sorry okay I should've answered when you called me but I didn't and I'm sorry for that" I say

"You're only sorry for that"Jenna ask

"Yeah, what else do you want me to be sorry for" I ask

"For taking drugs in our home Liv" Jenna says

"I'm not apologizing for that i took them drugs for a reason" I say

"You know what- you don't think about other people when it comes to this stuff and you need to" Jenna says as she stands up

"What other people Jenna" I ask

"You're fucking baby Liv you obviously don't care about him and you're not trying to get better for him and if i would've known-"

"What-If you would've known a long time ago that i was like this then what, you would've never got into a relationship with me or even said yes when i asked you to marry me or you would've never had fucking sex with me so you wouldn't be pregnant right now, is that what you was gonna say Jenna" i say

She doesn't say anything she just looks at me like i just said everything she wanted to say

"Take the ring off we can change all of that" i say as i get closer to her

"Take the fucking ring off Jenna" i say again

She looks at the ring before sliding it off her finger, the tears start leaving her eyes as she puts the ring in my hand, I take it and put in my pocket

"You shouldn't be crying this is what you wanted right? I'll have all my stuff out of here by tomorrow" i say as i walk past her and out the bedroom door

Third person pov

Liv walked straight out the front door once she made it down stairs, She even ignored Katie when she got down there. She gets in her car and immediately breaks down, she starts punching her staring wheel as hard as she can now her knuckles are all bloody, she cranks the car up and pulls out of the driveway with no idea where she's going.

She blacked out the minute she started punching her steering wheel and now she doesn't realize how fast she's going, every curve she turns on the car tilts over a little, she presses her foot on the gas even more there's a pot hole in the road she's about to go on and she didn't realize it until it was to late.

The tire hits the pot hole and sends the car over to the other side of the road and it hits head on with a tree, she gets knocked out from her head hitting the side of the door, now there's broken glass everywhere, half of the front of her car is smashed into the tree and it's smoking, the airbags are out and she has blood coming from her head and mouth.

Luckily a car was behind her and seen everything, the woman gets out of her car and runs over to Liv's car and immediately calls the police when she sees the girl is not responding, once she finishes talking to the police she opens the car door and unbuckles the girl from her seat belt and pulls her out of the car and immediately starts doing mouth to mouth cpr but after five tries she doesn't get a response from the girl, she gets up and goes back in the car when she hears a phone vibrating

She grabs the cracked up phone and answers it


Katie's pov
(The phone call)

Katie: Liv where did you go

Taylor: this isn't Liv this is Taylor-

Katie: why the fuck do you have her phone

Taylor: she got into a wreck and i just so happened to be behind her-

Katie: shit- where are you located

Taylor: i-i don't know fuck- she's not breathing this is so fucking bad and the god damn police aren't even here yet (panicking)

Katie: get your phone and go to your messages I'm gonna give you my number and you type it in and send me your current location (also panicking)

Katie: did you try cpr on her

Taylor: yes but she's still not breathing and there's blood  coming from her head and her mouth

Katie: keep trying it on her don't let her die i swear to god Taylor if you do I'm-

Taylor: i-i'm laying the phone down so i can do it again I promise I'm not gonna let her die

Katie: don't stop until they get there Taylor i-i can't loose her

(Still Katie's pov)

I made to where Taylor is and hurried up and jumped out the car, the cops and the ambulance are here , this is bad this is really bad

"Where is she" i asked Taylor

"She's in the ambulance and  they're gonna airlift her to the hospital because she's still not breathing " Taylor says

"FUCK" i yelled out

"They're taking her to the hospital i work at you can follow me once they leave out" Taylor says

I shook my head okay and ran over to the ambulance truck to see if i can see Liv, one denied it but i forced myself in the truck because i need to see her

"Ma'am you're gonna have to back away" one of the paramedics say

"You need to stop talking to me and get her breathing again- she can't die she has a baby on the way and she has to be here when he's born" I cry out

"Ma'am take a deep breath we're doing everything we can I'm not gonna let her die i promise now step out and let us take her to the helicopter" the paramedics says

I go out and call Maddie and tell her to get Jenna and come to the hospital, after that I went to my car

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