Chapter 26

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(Still same day)

Liv's pov
It's now been 5 going on 6 hours since me and Jenna's argument but we haven't said anything to each other , I'm in the living room that I burly be in and she's upstairs in our bedroom doing whatever she's doing.

I'm currently getting ready to call Katie back because she called me but I missed it.

"Hello" I said.

"Hey my Liv bug did the plan work" Katie asked over the phone.

"Yeah but I don't think it's going to continue after today" I said

"Ugh why" Katie said

"Me and Jenna got into an argument" I said

"Madi Liv done dug herself into another hole again" Katie yelled on the other end of the phone

"I'm hanging up now" I said

"No, this works out perfect so we can continue the plan" Katie says

"And how is that going to work" I asked

"You're going to apologize to her the same night you propose to her and I'm not talking about no little middle school apology either" Katie said

"why do I have to apologize she started it" I said

"Tell me what happened" Katie said

"She wants me to go to therapy but I told her I'm not because I'm going to get better on my own and she doesn't believe that and then that started an argument" I said

"Well Liv" Madi said over the phone.

"Bye" I said

"No wait, Madi shut it" Katie said

"Jenna dug herself into a hole now" I said

"Liv you're still going to propose to her even if y'all both apologize to each other no matter who fault it is now that's final" Katie said

"Oh I didn't know I have a second mother" I say

"Shut it I'm basically you're big sister" Katie said.

"Yeah me too" Madi said also

"Okay okay I'm going to do it" I said

"Now on to the next step, you need to figure out how and where you want to propose to her" Katie said

"I'll just drop her off at the nearest forest and throw the ring at her head and drive off" I joked

"Olivia" Katie said as I can hear Madi laughing in the background over the phone.

"I'm joking, I'm going to take her out on the beach then I'm going to propose to her but I'm going to need y'all to set up everything for me while she's with me" I said.

"Deal and when will this be" Madi asked.

"Whenever she decides to apologize" I said

"Liv" Katie said

"Okay okay Saturday night and I want all of you to be there when it happens so get in contact with those two lunatics Nolan and Jayce" I said

"Don't worry they already know I literally just sent them a text" Katie said

As I was about to say something Jenna came downstairs.

"Oh Katie how's your dog doing Madi told me what happened" I said as I tried to change the conversation.

"What I didn't know-"

"Look at your phone" I whispered into the phone as I texted Katie to let her know that Jenna's downstairs with me.

"Oh yeah she's okay now so I'm glad about that" Katie said as she caught on.

"What happened to your dog" Madi said

"For fuck sakes Madi, Liv bug call me later" Katie said

"Will do" I said as I hung the phone up.

I cut the tv on in the living room and laid back on the couch with my blanket because I'll be damn if I sleep in that room with Jenna right now, as I laid my head back and began channel surfing Jenna walked over to me.

"Your not sleeping in here so don't even get to comfortable" Jenna said as she snatched the blanket off of me and walked upstairs with it, I just rolled my eyes and looked back at the tv.


After watching a couple episodes of criminal minds I finally cut the tv off and went to the bedroom, I walked into the room to see Jenna laying in bed reading a book with my blanket wrapped around her.

It's already Thursday night so I don't have much time left to apologize to her before the proposal so i decided to put my childishness to the side and talk to her.

"Jenna" I said as I sat down beside her.

"Mhm" Jenna said as she kept her eyes on her book

"Look at me" I said in a low tone

She closes her book and sits it down on the nightstand then she looks at me.

"I'm sorry for the things I said earlier today and I understand that you want to help me and you want me to get help also but baby i don't see a point in therapy and if you were in my position right now dealing with depression you would say the same thing, all they wanna do is listen to your problems so they can give you pills or if it's bad they'll put you in a mental hospital then they get paid while you're still going through this and there out living life and happy with the money you paid them" I said.

"I understand that but I'm just scared, I don't wanna loose you, i had a dream the other night that you killed your self that really hurt me babe because what if that dream becomes real and that's all I keep thinking about and I'm sorry for getting all rowdy on you" Jenna said.

"There's nothing to get scared about baby I promise I'm not going anywhere and I'm not going to do anything to myself, I want to get better for you and the baby" I said.

"I love you so much Liv please don't break my heart" Jenna said as she gave me a kiss

"I love to baby and I'm not I swear" I said as I kissed her back.

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