Chapter 28

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(The same night)
Liv's pov

"Baby will you marry me"

"Yes a thousand times yes" Jenna said.

I took the ring out it's case then I put it on her ring finger after that I stood up and picked her up and we kissed, our friends started cheering for us.

"I love you so much babe" Jenna said as she began to cry and kiss me even more.

"I love to baby and I'll keep loving you forever and ever baby" i said.

"I can't believe this" Jenna said as she looked at me .

I smiled at her and kissed her forehead now our friends are walking over here. "I'm so happy for you two" Katie said as she hugged us.

"Finally Liv I thought I was going to have to do it myself" Madi said

"Shut up" i said as i started laughing

"Congratulations" Jayce said

"Liv finally put her big boy underwear on I'm just kidding I'm happy for you guys" Nolan said

"Now let's go celebrate" Katie yelled out

"Where" I ask

"The night club duh" Madi says

"Uh I don't know about that what if that jerk is there again" Jenna says

"I'm sure he's not and even if he is Liv is over that situation right Liv" Katie said

"Right" I said

I'm not over that he literally touched Jenna I should've beat him unconscious that night but if I see him again he better watch his back.

"Babe" Jenna said as she took me out of my thoughts.

"Yes love" I said

"You sure you wanna go i mean I'm pregnant all I can do is dance" Jenna whispered as our friends started walking to their cars

"We can go for a little then leave" I said

"Okay let's go then" Jenna said.

I picked Jenna up and carried her to the car so she doesn't have to walk back in the sand and of course she enjoyed that.


We're now at this night club I'm two shots in already, now I'm taking two more Jenna's sitting beside me being clingy, Madi and Katie has asked her to dance multiple times and she told them no, Jayce's drooling over Madi and Nolan invited his girl and there dancing also.

"Baby I'll be back I'm going to the bar" I said

"No babe stay here" Jenna said

"Baby I'm just going to get a few shots it'll only take a second" I said

"No have Jayce or Nolan go get them" Jenna said

"Baby why are you acting like this" I said

"That guy that touched me is here and I seen him walking towards the bar babe" Jenna said

"It's okay love I'm not even going to acknowledge him" I said

"Just hurry back" Jenna says

She let me go and I made my way to bar not even acknowledging the guy that I could really strangle right now.

"Can I get a few shots of tequila" I said to the bartender

"Yes you can just give me one second" the bartender said.

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