Chapter 20

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Liv's pov
The car ride was silent the whole way home I'm starting to think she's mad at me for getting her pregnant but I'm not gonna bring it up until she says something.

When we got home she went into the bathroom and shut the door i decided to give her space for a little so I went into my game room and started editing the same video I was suppose to finish a long time ago but I can't because I'm in my head again but this time I'm thinking about my future and the baby.

I don't want my depression or my problems to affect the baby, I'm definitely going to have to get myself together now that a baby's gonna be involved in my life this is big and I really hope Jenna isn't mad at me because in all honesty this is her fault she wanted to fuck without a condom so she can't be mad at me over this.

As I was trying to get out of my head and focus on this video Jenna opened the door.

"Babe" Jenna said.

"Look Jenna you can't be mad at me for getting you pregnant when you're the one that didn't want to fuck with a condom and when I tried to pull out you wouldn't let me so you can't blame this on me at all" I said.

"I-i'm not mad at you" Jenna said as she sat down on the couch.

"Oh" I said.

"I just wanted to ask if you think you're mentally stable to be a parent, I'm just scared that with your depression and those thoughts you have that one day you might go on edge and kill your self and then I'm left here raising our baby by myself while I go through a heart break" Jenna said as she began to cry.

"No baby don't cry I'm gonna go to therapy I'm gonna fix myself so I can be ready for when the baby gets here, I promise I'm not going to leave you raising our baby alone okay please don't cry" I said

"I just don't wanna go through this pregnancy alone" Jenna said as she started crying more.

"You're not baby I'm promise" I said as i laid her head on my chest.

"Fuck I can't stop crying why can't i stop crying" Jenna said as she started laughing.

"It's your hormones baby you're gonna go through this a lot during the pregnancy" I said.

"Well least I have you to comfort me" Jenna said.

"You always will" I said as I gave her a kiss.

"So should we tell the others about it" Jenna said

"Yeah if you're ready, whatever you wanna do I'll be down" I said

"Okay let's text them to come over and tell them we wanna hang out then we can tell them" Jenna said as she pulled her phone out and texted the group.


Me and Jenna are now sitting in the Living room waiting for all our friends to get here, Jenna's laying across my legs while I rub and kiss her stomach.

"I really hope it's a girl but if we get a boy I'm happy also" Jenna said.

"I'm happy with whatever as long as they look like me" I jokingly said.

Me and Jenna started laughing then the door bell rang. I got up and went to open it to see our friends standing there.

"Hey guys" I said.

They all said their hey's and walked into the living room where Jenna is, i shut the door and made my way over to Jenna.

"So guys um we invited y'all over here to hang out but we actually have something to tell y'all" Jenna said as she sat on my lap.

"Oh shit what have y'all done now" Jayce said.

"We're pregnant well Jenna's pregnant" I said

"You're Joking" Nolan said

"What" Katie said

"Oh my god" Madi said

"We just found out today at the doctors, I woke up throwing up and everything so Liv scheduled me an appointment and that was the results" Jenna said

"Aww my baby is having a baby" Katie said as she got up and hugged me and Jenna.

"Wait I thought I was your baby" I said

"Not anymore Jenna is now" Katie said

"Don't worry Liv bug your still my baby" Madi said

"That's why I love you" I said

"So guys how do y'all feel about your future now that a baby is involved" Nolan asked

"I'm happy for the future with our baby I'm just not ready for the sleepless nights or the constant mood swings from  my lover over here or the shitty diapers and all of that" I said

"I'll try to control my emotions" Jenna said as she nudge my side.

"I doubt it Jenna, when my mom was pregnant with my sister oh my god I wanted to run away from her and never come back but as she got closer to her due date she chilled out some" Jayce said.

"This is gonna be a long 9 months for y'all too" Madi said

"We got this right babe" Jenna said as she kissed my forehead.

"Mhmm" I said

"Just know we're all here to help if y'all need anything" Katie said as the group agreed with her.

After that they all started debating on who's going to be the cool aunt and uncle, gosh I love them.

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