Chapter 4

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Liv's pov
I stood up from the bed and walked downstairs to check the door while Jenna's taking a shower, the door bell rang again as I was opening the door.

"Leaving your friend's waiting for more than a minute at your door should be a crime but I'll give you a pass today birthday girl" Madison said as she walked through the door with stuff in her hands .

" my baby not a baby anymore" Katie said as she walked through the door with a big ass cake in her hand.

Nolan and Jayce are getting groceries for the party out of the car so I just left the door open for them.

"Come here look at what all of us got you" Katie said as she gave me the gift bag

I opened the big square box up to see a Van Cleef Vintage Alhambra necklace and the bracelet , "Thank you so much guys" I said to them.

"Really Katie and Madi, y'all couldn't wait for us" Nolan and Jayce said.

"Um no y'all took to long" Katie and Madi said

I walked up to the boys and hugged and thanked them .

"Where's Jenna" Madi asked

"She's taking a shower, I'll be back I'm gonna check on her" I said

"Why does she need checking up on" Katie said with a curious face expression

I looked at her and smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

" y'all are nasty" Katie said with a laugh

"Yeah yeah everybody has sex" I said as I made my way upstairs

I walked into the room to see that Jenna is still in the bathroom, I knocked on the door and called her name but she didn't say anything so I knocked again and still nothing, I opened the door to see her wearing a lace black skirt with a black lace crop top , and she has black underwear underneath it , she has a big smile on her face and her arms behind her back.

"Fuck you look beautiful baby" I said as I stood in front of her and gave her a kiss

"Thank you babe" Jenna said as she kissed me back.

"Here, I was gonna wait to give it to you later on tonight but I couldn't" Jenna said

"What is this" I said with a smile

"Open it and see" Jenna said

I took the box from her and opened it to see a gold ring, I looked at her and said "is this a en-"

"Not yet baby  it's a promise ring, because I promise to be in your life forever and after that, I promise to stay by your side no matter what and be the loving girlfriend that you deserve" Jenna said

"Aw baby you're gonna make me cry" I said as I hugged her

"No baby don't cry then I'm gonna be crying and I just did my makeup" Jenna said as she hugged me and rubbed my back.

"I love you beautiful" I said

"I love you too sexy" Jenna said

"Oh the group is downstairs there setting up everything, I'm gonna take a shower right quick then I'll be back out there" I said

"Okay baby" Jenna said as she walked out the bathroom.


I take like  2 hour showers because I be having a concert in the bathroom but this time it was different I was in there stuck in my thoughts, I have a beautiful girlfriend and amazing friends and family but why does this depression want to get worse on me now, this is why I'm drinking until I can't anymore because i need to escape my thoughts.

It's now 7:20, I hurried up and put my clothes on , I have on a white plaid button up shirt but the first two buttons are loose and some black trousers and my loafers that Jenna got me today, then I put the jewelry on also, my hairs wet so I let it air dry , I brushed my teeth and everything and walked into the room and sat on the bed to text back some of my family members that told me happy birthday.

"Mm baby you look good as fuck" Jenna said as she shut the room door behind her.

"Thank you love" I said as I looked up from my phone.

"Some people are starting to arrive and the dj is outside in the backyard near the pool with the music" Jenna said

"Okay baby" I said as I looked back at my phone

"You okay" Jenna asked

"Yes I'm fine" I said as I looked at her with a smile

"Did Nolan bring the alcohol yet" I asked

"Yeah it's a setup down there with a bunch of different kind" Jenna said.

I laid my phone down on the night stand and stood up from the bed, Jenna reached her hand out for me and I grabbed it and we made our way downstairs, it's getting pretty crowded already but the decorations are pretty.

"Hey babe the group is outside near the fire pit sitting down do you wanna go over there first" Jenna said as she yelled in my ear because of how loud the music is.

"You can go I'm gonna get me a drink right quick then I'll be out there" I said

"Okay" Jenna said as she kissed me and walked away.

I started walking towards the alcohol section and a lot of people started telling me happy birthday and asking for some pictures, after 10 minutes of that I finally made it to the alcohol. I seen different options I have but of course the vodka caught my eyes, there's multiple bottles so I just grabbed one of the bottles and opened it and drunk some.

"Hey birthday girl slow down the party just getting started" some guy that was fixing himself a drink said.

"Ha, I know but I need this right now" I said as I smiled and walked away.

I didn't realize that by the time I walked outside I already drunk half the bottle already, I'm most definitely starting to feel it but this is what I wanted. I slowly walked to the fire pit where Jenna and the rest of my friends are.

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