Chapter 35

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Liv's pov
I'm waking up with a mean ass headache right now , i sat up in the bed and looked around the room because i never seen it before, i looked over to my right side to see a girl sleep, "shit who is this" I thought to myself. I slowly got out of the bed and made my way over to her side of the bed to see who she is, her hair is in her face so now i'm gonna have to move it.

I slowly moved the hair out of her face, "oh shit it's Ari" I said to myself, I walked away from the bed and walked to her bathroom to see if she has any Tylenol or ibuprofen, I opened a drawer in her bathroom and a bottle of Tylenol is in there so I grabbed it and opened it and grabbed one then I put them back and walked out the bathroom and her bedroom and made my way downstairs into the kitchen to get something to drink.

I put the pill in my mouth then I opened her fridge door and grabbed the first drink I saw. "Boo" Ariana said as I closed the fridge door.

"Shit you scared me" I said as I started to laugh

"Here the glassware is over in that cabinet" Ariana said as she pointed to the cabinet, I walked over and opened it and grabbed me a cup and poured some juice in it.

Me and her sat in silence for a little but I can feel her staring at me, "um did anything happen last night" I said as I looked at her

"N-no we came here and went to sleep, you we're pretty out of it last night speaking of last night is there something going on" Ariana said

"No everything's fine" I said and yeah I just lied to her but what she doesn't know won't hurt her right.

"Listen firecracker, you don't have to tell me what's going on but just know that I'm here to listen and you can stay here as long as you like" Ariana said

"Thank you" I said

"I'm gonna go take a shower and there's another bathroom in the guess room if you wanna take one and there's towels and wash clothes in there also" Ariana said

"Okay thanks" I said

"You don't have to thank me for anything Liv, I promise" Arian said.

I shook my head okay then went into the guess bathroom and started taking my shower and everything.


I just finished brushing my teeth and taking my shower now I'm walking back to Ariana's room to see if she's finished.

I opened her bedroom door to see her in underwear, "oh shit I'm sorry I should have knocked" I said as I closed my eyes and turned around.

"It's fine, I'm not naked so your good" Ariana said as she started putting a big shirt on.

I laid on her bed and started watching a show then she got in the bed with me, I didn't notice how close we were until I laid back on the headboard and her arm was underneath mine.

She grabbed the cover and put it on top of us, maybe she's trying to go back to how we were when we was best friends in high school because we use to do this all the time but the thing about now is I have a wife and a baby on the way and this is not gonna look okay in Jenna's eyes now that she knows that we dated in the past.

"Hey, what are you thinking about so much that you can't focus on the movie" Ariana said

"Do you still like me" I ask

"No not in that kind of way, you have a wife and a baby and the last thing I wanna do is ruin a happy family" Ariana said

"It's not a happy family because of me that's why I got kicked out of the house yesterday" I said

"Wait she kicked you out, damn what did you do fire cracker" Ariana said

"My mental health hasn't been good lately and I tried to result to this pill I had that'll get me high and everything but anyway's I took it and I think I fell asleep or passed out in the bathroom and she walked in there and now I'm kicked out" I said

"Shit, I'm sorry" Ari said

"No don't say sorry, it's fine" I said

"Remember when one of us was sad we would tickle each other " Ari said

"Yeah but I don't know if that'll work anymore" I said.

"You sure" Ari said as she got on top of me and started tickling me.

"Stop" I laughed out

"See it does work" Ari said as she stopped tickling me and stayed sitting on my stomach .

"Yeah I know now" I said as i started laughing.

"We use to be so close when we we're best friends" Ari said as she gave me the sad face.

"Hey we can still be close so stop with the sad face" I said as I grabbed her and pulled her down for a hug.

If somebody was to see this right now I think they'd be questioning us because she's still on top of me and now that we're hugging our body is basically smashed together and her head is on my shoulder and my arms are wrapped around her back but I don't care though because we both know I'm not a single woman and plus we're friends.

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