Chapter 33

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Jenna's pov

It's the morning after the gender reveal and I'm still in the bed while Liv's out, she said she needed to get some stuff so I volunteered to stay in the bed since I'm still a little tired.

As i started to close my eyes and go back to sleep I heard a loud noise downstairs so I got up to go check but first let me see if Liv's car out there, I looked out the window to see all her doors open to her Mercedes Benz Jeep, I closed the curtain and made my way down stairs.

I walked into the living room to see a bunch of baby stuff sitting around and a box with a big ass play pin in it and a big ass crib.

"Oh hey baby" Liv said as she walked in with more stuff

"Babe what is all this" I said

"It's stuff for the baby duh" Liv said

"We don't even have his room painted yet" I said

"Don't worry about that the people will be here later on today to paint everything oh and there painting a jungle on the wall since that's the theme for his room" Liv said.

"Why you didn't tell me this is what you was going out to do" i said

"Well baby you said you was still tired and i didn't want to tell you" Liv said

"But you still could've told me" I said

"Baby" Liv said as she came over to me and kissed my forehead.

"Did you get him clothes yet because I want to be there for that" I said

"No" Liv said

"Liv don't lie to me" I said

"Okay okay I only got some but we can go back to get a whole lot more" Liv said

"Why are you in such a hurry to get his stuff we still have 4 months" I said

"Why wouldn't I be in a rush he can come out before the due date" Liv said

"Yeah but it's a little early for him to come out" I said

"That doesn't matter" Liv said.

"It does, we don't even have names for him" I said

"No you don't have any names I have plenty" Liv said.

"what are they" I said

"Seven Arlo Scott" Liv said

"I like everything but Arlo" I said

"Then you choose the middle name" Liv said

"Isai" I said

"See how easy that was, now we have little beans full name" Liv said

"That still doesn't mean that the baby gonna get here early" I said

"Jenna please" Liv said

"Please what" I said

"Stop saying that like you know when the baby is gonna come your not a doctor" Liv said

"The doctors said that he's healthy and should be coming exactly on his due date and if things change when I go back to the doctor he's gonna let me know, so stop it" I said

"They could be wrong themselves" Liv said

"Olivia" I said

"I don't like when you call me by that unless you're moaning it so stop" Liv said.

"Not in the mood for your slick talk right now" I said

"Well get in it" Liv said.

"Where are you gonna put all of this stuff" I said ignoring what she just said a second ago

"Baby we have like 12 or more different rooms in this house that we don't use plus little beans bedroom is right beside us so I can just put it in our closet until they finish painting" Liv said

"Okay well you take it all upstairs because I'm not doing it" I said as I sat down.

"Did you really think I expected you to lift all this up and take it upstairs when you have a human growing inside of you, be serious right now baby" Liv said as she started laughing.

"Leave me alone" I said as i started laughing also

"Then again this stuff can stay here until they finish his room because taking upstairs into our closet then taking it out to put it in his room is to much" Liv said as she sat down beside me on the couch.

"Yeah babe that would be the best idea" I said


It's now going on 12 me and Liv is laying in the bed watching a movie until the painting people get here around some time this afternoon.

Liv's laying against the headboard and I'm laying in between her legs with my head on her stomach, this movie is a comedy and it's very funny but Liv hasn't been laughing much at her favorite parts so I decided to look at her to see if she's okay but when I looked at her she was already staring at me and she literally looks like she's scared right now.

"Babe you okay" I said

"Babe" I said again to get her out of whatever she's in right now.

"Hm" Liv said

"Are you okay you look like you're scared of something right now and I'm getting worried " I said

"N-no baby I was just daydreaming about something i don't know but I'm okay baby" Liv said as she gave me a smile.

"You promise" I said

"I promise my love" Liv said .

She leaned down and gave me a kiss then we lit our focus back on the tv

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