Chapter 9

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Jenna's pov (small smut)
me and Liv's conversation last night is all I'm thinking about right now, I wish she didn't have to go through this I really do .

Liv needed to go to the store today for something I told her I was going out to grab some stuff to cook and I would get it but she instantly told me no , I decided to ride with her instead.

She stopped at this shopping center and said it'll only be a second so I stayed in the car and scrolled on instagram until she came back, she finally came back to the car but she didn't have anything in her hand .

"You didn't find what you wanted babe" I asked

"Y-No I didn't find it I'll look some other day" Liv said as she started driving.

"What is it we can probably order it if it isn't in the store" I said as I pulled my phone back out

"N-no that's okay baby" Liv said

I looked at her for minute because she's stuttering to much and she only does that when she's lying about something.

"What baby it's fine" Liv said

I shook my head okay and looked out the window, what could she possibly need so bad that she has to lie to me about, I already know that she smokes so it wouldn't be that , shit what could it be . I thought to myself.

Liv's pov
We made it home and I told Jenna I have to use the bathroom while she started cooking, i really didn't have to use the bathroom, i found a new bad coping mechanism that's really dangerous I went to the store to grab some blades, of course I lied to Jenna about it because she would freak out if she finds out I'm about to do this .

I took the blade out the pack and traced my finger around it, then I pulled my pants down and placed the blade on my thigh and started cutting myself, it hurt but it's really the only thing helping me from not committing. I watched as the blood dripped down my legs, a little smile was starting to form on my face because I felt something, I felt pain and it feels good.

Once I finished I cleaned everything up and threw it away then I cleaned my cuts up and wrapped my thigh up then I grabbed me some shorts from the closet and put them on, I took one of my jewelry boxes and put all the blades in their until I find a better place for them to go, as I was walking out of the closet Jenna was walking upstairs, I hurried up and went back into the bathroom to double check that I cleaned everything up, "shit, I forgot about this fucking towel" I said to myself.

I shut the bathroom door and locked it then I grabbed the towel and looked around to see where I can put it but I don't see anywhere, my dirty clothes basket is literally in the laundry room right now because Jenna washed everything, I just stood there to see if she would go back downstairs.

"Babe, you okay" Jenna said as she knocked on the door.

"Yea baby, can you go to the laundry room and get the basket please" I said.

"Which one because I haven't washed any of the towels and wash cloths yet" Jenna said

"Fuck" I whispered to myself.

"Um never mind baby don't worry about it, I'll be out in a minute" I said

"Okay, I finished cooking to so come eat when you're ready" Jenna said as she backed away from the door and walked out of the room .

I grabbed the towel and shoved it into one of the cabinets she doesn't really go in , I made sure she didn't have anything important in here before I threw the towel in there. After all that happened I went downstairs in the kitchen and sat down on the island.

"Everything okay baby" Jenna asked

"Everything's fine love" I said

"How do you like the food" Jenna asked

"It's really good baby, you did a good Job love" I said

"Thank you babe" Jenna said as she gave me a kiss.

The kiss turned out into a make out session, I hate to do this but I have to stop it before it goes any further and the last thing I need to be right now is naked after I self harmed earlier, I broke the kiss and grabbed my water and drunk it.

"Sorry, I should've asked if you were in the mood or anything" Jenna said

"I'm always in the mood baby but I'm just sleepy that's all" I said

"Well let's switch it up tonight i can make you feel good" Jenna said as she pointed towards the couch

I really don't feel like doing anything right now especially nothing sexual but if this is what she wants right now I guess we can do it.

Jenna's pov

"Tell me what you want and I'll do it" I said to Liv as I sat on her lap

" suck me off " Liv said

I shook my head okay and smiled at her then I gave her a kiss, "wait with you're clothes on" I asked.

"Yes please I'll just pull it out so you can get to it" Liv said.

I got on my knees and watched Liv pull her cock out of her shorts then i grabbed it with my hand and began stroking it. After I got her hard enough i started sucking it with my mouth.

"Fuckkk" Liv whispered moan.

Her dick is big compared to the inside of my throat but I sucked deeper anyway, she began fucking my throat as she gripped my hair.

"Right there baby I'm so close" Liv said

I began to bop my head up and down even faster then I grabbed her balls and began to massage them, "oh fuck" Liv moaned as she began to release her cum all in my mouth and her legs began to shake , she let my hair go then I lifted my head up and swallowed her cum before looking at her, I gave her tip a little peck before letting go of it and standing up.

After she got herself together she sat up and kissed me and said "you did good", then she stuffed her cock back into her shorts and went upstairs.

I stayed sitting on the couch thinking about how weird that was because we never had sex with each other while wearing clothes or when I take over and her moans sounded like they were forced , did she just fake an orgasm.

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