chapter 1

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My palms were sweaty, my hands were shaking, and I felt like a fool. Things like this were the reason little girls were supposed to have moms. So big dumb bikers didn't have to look like idiots standing in line trying to sign his kids up for ballet. I wanted to turn and run the fuck out of the building and never look at it again. But my three girls stood next to me waiting their turn and I couldn't let them down.

Celeste, the baby at just 5 years old, was holding my hand and bouncing on her toes as she looked around the room excitedly. I had been informed that this was the first year that she was old enough to take dance classes at this fancy dance school. She was very excited. My oldest, Nova, had been dancing I guess since she was Celeste's age. She was talking to a friend about being on the verge of being too old to take classes anymore. Next year, after she turned sixteen, she would be allowed to be a Jr. Teacher. If they deemed her good enough of course. Then she would spend the next 2 years proving she had what it took to become an actual dance instructor... or find something else to do when she turned 18 and they put her out to pasture.

My middle daughter wasn't paying any attention to me or the other girls. No, my boy crazy Starr had eyes only for a young boy who was sitting in the corner of the busy office on his phone. He looked closer to Nova's age than Starr's and I started to worry about more than the dance moms who were either giving me the death glare or eye fucking me. How was a man like me supposed to have the birds and bees talk with three little girls?

"Next" the cranky woman who looked to be in her fifties that was standing in the window at the front desk called.

"Yeah, I gotta sign some shit or something for my girls." I gestured towards my kids. The woman just glared and waited for me to elaborate. I didn't know what I was supposed to fucking say so I stared right back.

A hand, so small I thought it might belong to a child, appeared from off to the side of the window holding a clipboard with a bunch of papers. I was gut punched when the most beautiful woman I had ever seen leaned into my view and smiled at me. "Hi girls!" She said to my kids who all began talking at once and trying to crowd me out of the way so they could get to the beautiful woman.

"Miss Adelaide, I get to dance this year!" Celeste told her proudly.

"Addy! Am I in your special group this year?" Nova demanded.

"My mom died." Starr told her bluntly. "We gotta be with our dad now." The poor girl had tears shining in her eyes.

I took the fucking clipboard out of her hand and frowned at the paperwork that I didn't have the first clue how to fill out. A door to the side opened and that beautiful woman stepped out. I hardly got to see her tall slim body before my kids rushed to her and crushed her with hugs.She embraced my kids, smoothed back Celeste's messy hair that she wouldn't let me do anything with. She brushed a tear away from Starr's cheek then bent to kiss her head. And she promised Nova that she'd make sure she was in the special group this year even though she was still technically too young.

Then she pierced me with the most stunning brown eyes and held out a hand. When I took her hand into mine it disappeared. "Hi, I'm Adelaide, one of the teachers here. I'm so sorry for your loss." She referred to the sudden death of my ex-wife, the girl's mother.

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