Untitled Part 28

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I looked down at Addy asleep on the bed. Her long legs were intertwined with mine, one arm thrown over my stomach, her head resting on my bicep. She fit against me like she had been made to be there. We had fit together perfectly in other ways too. Her tight little pussy squeezed me so good I thought she just might have milked my soul out of me along with my load. I had really blurted out my feelings for her in the most unromantic way possible. My sweet Adelaide didn't seem to mind. She smiled so sweetly at me, reached up one soft gentle hand and stroked my cheek before whispering that she loved me too.

Hearing her say those words did something in my chest. all the jumbled-up pieces of my life had clicked together like a puzzle. It formed one big picture with Addy and my girls at the center and my club brothers surrounding them. Even with the threat from the black alloys causing shit, I had to admit my life was pretty damn good. I had the love of a good woman, three beautiful children, and a club full of loyal brothers at my back. What man could ask for more?

My phone buzzed with a text

Cat: Poindexter had got something

King: Be there in a moment.

I slipped out of the bed and put my clothes from the night before back on. I didn't want to risk waking Addy by making a bunch of noise rustling around in the drawers. Most of the kids were already awake and running amok up and down the halls and screaming, something they could never do in a normal hotel. I smiled to see Celeste and Amelia chasing Cowboy's eight-year-old son, Eddie, while yelling "boys drool!"

"Good morning sweetheart.'' I kissed Nova on the top of her head. She stood near the coffee pot waiting for it to finish percolating and looking down at her phone.

"Is Addy up yet?" she asked. It warmed my heart that the girls loved Addy so much. Even if it meant my own daughter preferred her future stepmother's company to my own.

"No, let her sleep." I pulled a mug out of the cupboard. "Where is Starr?"

Nova waved her arm in the direction of the main room. "She is sulking."

"Over what?" Nova shrugged, an archetype of the typical self-centered teenager. Forgetting about the coffee, I followed the noise of chattering kids to the big room that had been full of bikers and bitches the night before. There were a few children laying on the couch watching sponge bob. Some of them were laying on the floor with coloring books and crayons spread out between them. The older pre-teen and teens had either formed groups to gossip or were sitting by themselves with electronic gadgets glued to their hands.

I spotted Starr sitting by herself on the floor in the corner, legs curled up into her chest, arms wrapped around them, head resting on her knees. Before I could even make a move to approach her, Junior appeared beside her and sat down. He nudged her with his shoulder, and she didn't smile like she normally would when given even a crumb of his attention. I crept closer, needing to hear what the boy was about to say to my little girl.

"What's going on super Starr?" he asked. She shrugged her shoulders, not saying anything. but she did turn her head to look at him. He was a good-looking kid, he had his fathers rugged good looks combined with the almost regal beauty of his mother. Those blue eyes of his would definitely help the boy with the ladies when he grew up. Didn't hurt that he was a good kid. Cowboy and Lottie were terrific parents and it showed in all of their six (soon to be seven) kids. "You know you can tell me anything." he nudged her again.

"I hate Bee." she mumbled.

"We all hate Bee." he nodded. "What did that bitch do this time." I froze a good distance from them. I knew Bee was a bitch, but I hadn't realized it had become such a problem that the kids were having issues with her too. It wasn't normal for the bitches to spend much time around our families. That was by design, those of us with children and old ladies didn't begrudge our single brothers their fun. And the women are all there because they want to be, so there is no 'slut shaming" on that front. It appeared that Bee had lost her usefulness and was fast becoming nothing but a problem.

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