chapter 15

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She actually scoffed at me. "Didn't seem that way to me last night."

"Last night? I stared at her, not understanding how she saw what had happened between us last night as anything other than her becoming my fucking woman.

"Yeah, last night. When I was begging you to fuck me and you just kissed me on my forehead and tucked me into bed like a good little girl." she lashed out. "I can't be one of your kids and your women. King."

my hands flexed down at my sides. I wanted to punch something or reach out and strangle the little imp. "You mean last night when the president of one of the biggest baddest MCs around put two of his best men as bodyguards for a teenage girl? When I couldn't fucking stay away from you? I wasn't supposed to be at that bar, I was supposed to be taking care of club business, instead I was crashing your fucking birthday party.

"Last night? When I had to force you to vomit and administer fucking Narcan to keep you alive? When I bathed you, washed your hair, and held you in my arms until I was sure you weren't going to fucking die right there in my bed.' I gestured wildly with my arm towards my room.

"How about last night, when you were insane with need because of the drugs that asshole gave you and i gave you release without taking your fucking virginity while you were still drunk and drugged out of your god damn mind? What part of last night do you think I would have done for any other fucking woman Adelaide?" I was breathing heavily, hardly able to control the urge to pick her up, bring her back into my bed and show her exactly whose woman she was, and put to rest any ideas in her head that I might think of her as a kid.

She stood stock still, staring up at me. Her face was unreadable. "If you wanted me, why didn't you take me then? I was ready and willing. Fuck, I was panting and begging." she said

"What kind of man do you think I am?" I demanded. "I know that the men you have known in your short life have all been trash. But, baby, I'm not. When I take you for the first time you are gonna be stone cold sober. How could you even think I would take advantage of you when you were in that condition? You weren't in any shape to consent to shit." my voice was a threatening whisper.

Addy took another step away from me, at that point she was almost halfway across the kitchen. "Right." she blinked. "But you didn't need my consent to claim me as your property in front of all your buddies."

"Brothers." I interrupted her. She ignored me.

"You didn't need my consent to slap a property sticker on my car. Or to tell your men to spread the word that I belong to you. What's next King? You got a cut already ordered with your patch on it? Or is your club more like my fathers than I thought? Is Nightmare gonna show up here with his tattoo kit to put your name on my back?" she blinked back more tears that were threatening to spill down her cheeks.

Instinctually I moved towards her. I couldn't just stand there and watch her cry. She put up a hand to ward me off "You want to know the worst part, King?" her voice shook, and her lower lip quivered. "If you had just asked me... i would have said yes." Then she turned and ran to her room, slamming the door behind her.


I couldn't believe this was happening all over again. Another big stupid biker trying to control me. I guess it was out of the frying pan and into the fire for me. I went from a father wanting to sell me to King wanting to own me. Why hadn't he just asked me? Instead of acting like a jerk all day he could have just told me he wanted me. Instead, he'd turned into just another chest beating caveman trying to control my life and body.

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