chapter 25

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I watched Addy from across the room. My queen was holding court with the other women in the club. Even some of the bunnies and strippers had gravitated over to sit near her and bask in her glow. She smiled at something one of the other women said and nodded when Charlotte answered. I was really grateful that Lottie had accepted Addy so easily. She was setting the tone for the other old ladies. The old ladies following Addy as their Queen should have sent a clear message to the club girls... should have.

As soon as that thought crossed my mind Bee appeared in my line of sight and smiled like she thought I'd be happy to see her. I knew I had to let Addy fight this battle herself and stake her claim on me as my woman. But I was sorely tempted to ban the bitch from my club and avoid the drama all together. "I'm so glad we get to have some grown up time now that all the little ones have gone to bed." she said.

"Lock down is tough on us all. We are all wound up tight. If i don't give the guys a chance to relax I'd be facing a horde of pissed off bikers. Why don't you do me a favor and go help one, or more, of my guys blow off some steam." I nodded towards the group of my guys sitting at the bar a few stools down from where I was sitting.

"I'd rather help you." her voice was a low purr in my ear as she pressed her tits against my arm. "Just like old times." I shuddered. There had been a time when Bee had been the club favorite whore. She was easy and up for anything. I regretted having taken her to my bed more than a few times to get out my pent-up sexual tension.

Before I could react and push Bee away Addy was there. She shoved her way between us. "Dance with me." she demanded. There were a handful of men with their old ladies on the makeshift dance floor, they had been bumping and grinding all night. But someone, probably Addy, had taken control of the music and a slow song was playing. I smiled down at her indulgently. While I couldn't do ballet like her little 'mad dog', Billy. I could definitely hold her in my arms and twirl her around a bit.

I caught a glimpse of Bee as Addy took my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. Her face was red and I was surprised she didn't have smoke coming out of her ears. Any thoughts i had of anyone else evaporated as soon as I had my arms around my girl and she pressed that sexy body against mine. We swayed together for a few moments, happy to just be close. I grabbed her hand and spun her around, pulled her back into myself and dropped her into a dip. She had spent some time perfecting her hair after our dip in the pool. She had managed to semi tame the riotous curls and decided to leave her hair down. Those gorgeous locks swept the floor for a moment before I stood her back up.

"Why didn't you tell me you could dance?" she demanded breathlessly.

"A man's gotta keep some mystery about him.'' She smiled at me and laid her head on my shoulder. We swayed together until the song ended. A faster song started, and the guys cheered at the first few almost belching sounds of Pony sounded. Addy turned away from me, pressing her round ass into my crotch, and happily ground it against me. Fuck, if this girl wasn't the whole package. She was sweeter than candy and hotter than sin.

Almost everyone was up and moving to that song. Every guy grabbed at least one girl and the girls that were left either danced together in circles or paired up and were grinding against each other. I was only mildly aware of the revelry going on around us, to focus on the little spitfire. Her body fit perfectly to mine and she moved like a fucking dream.

Addy looked over her shoulder and smiled at the look of pure adoration on my face. In the blink of an eye a cold mask of disdain dropped over her beautiful face. Her movements stopped and she turned to face me, back ramrod straight. I could almost feel the loathing pouring off her. I was confused as fuck, until a body pressed against my back and a pair of fingers tipped with sharp red nails reached under my arms and landed on my chest.

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