chapter 5

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It was Saturday night, and I was desperate. I had run out of money and protein shakes. I had gotten wind of dance try outs for a job i really didn't want to fucking do but didn't have any real choice.

I used the shower at the 24-hour key gym. It was unusual for anyone to be there at that time of night, so I took my time doing my hair and applying makeup. I cringed when the cold metal of the chains on my specially made bra and underwear touched my skin. It made my nipples hard enough to cut diamonds. I both hated and loved that chain link stripper outfit. I hated that I had owned my own wardrobe of stripper gear since I was fifteen. but I loved it because I had picked that one out myself and the hands that had lovingly crafted it belonged to someone who had meant a lot to me.

I knew trying out for a job at the new strip joint in town was dangerous. If Tanya got wind that I was taking my clothes off for money she would fire me from the dance school. I needed both jobs to save up enough money to drive away and find a new place to live. Start a new life far away, maybe somewhere warm. I loved working with the kids. The Kingston girls were some of my favorite students. Their mom had been a grade a bitch. and their dad was a big scary sexy beast. But all three girls were a joy to spend time with.

Nova was the age I had been when I was forced to grow up and leave home. Dance was her life; it was all she wanted to talk about. She couldn't wait to grow up and be a dance teacher, like me. Even with her parents' faults, her mom had loved her, and her father was clearly dedicated to being a good dad. She wasn't going to be forced to dance naked on the bar for his friends. She wasn't going to have to collect her things and run in the dead of night after having her virginity auctioned off to a stranger. She was going to remain sweet and innocent. To grow up loved by her daddy.

Starr was just discovering her femininity and boys. At twelve all she wanted to do was talk to and about boys. I was grateful that she had such a protective father. Hopeful king could show her what a real man was and how a good man treated his women. I had no doubt the King was a decent man. He wasn't the man for me, but I was sure he would make some women very lucky.I didn't know much about little Celeste. This was the first year she was old enough to take dance. She had played in the waiting room last year during her sisters' classes. She was adorable and sweet. I was happy that I had managed to get her in my class. I really needed that little ray of sunshine to help brighten my days since my nights were about to become incredibly dark.

Peach juice was new. The sign out front was of a huge peach with one large drop of juice dripping front its crease. Everything was still clean. It was the nicest strip joint I had ever been in. but it was still a strip club. The audition was being held by the owner and manager in one of the private rooms. I waited patiently outside the door for my turn. When the door opened a girl came out crying and shouted back in "fuck you guys! I don't need this shit!" before she stomped off.

Who knew strip club owners were so choosy? That girl had been young and beautiful, maybe she had been a shitty dancer. "Cupcake?" a man's voice called out. I closed my eyes and took a deep fortifying breath. I needed to lose good girl Addy and let little Cupcake take over before I lost my nerve and ran after the last girl.

I didn't even look towards the men sitting in the booth before climbing onto the stage. "Do you have a preferred song choice?" I was asked and shook my head. They could put on anything, the nutcracker, gangster rap, country, or rock. I'd shake my ass and take my clothes off to whatever they wanted. I had been dancing my entire life, taking my clothes off while dancing since I was fifteen. The only thing I wasn't willing to do was go completely bare, I found it wasn't necessary as long as the dancer was skilled enough and the dance was hot enough.

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