chapter 35

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A lot of things happened at once after that. My father's body collapsed to the floor, and I collapsed into King's waiting arms. He pulled his gun out of my hand and passed it off to Demon. Nightmare screamed "holy fucking shit!" and jumped away from the pool of blood blossoming around what was left of Baker's head.

There was a chorus of screams and swear words from the men. I didn't think they were upset with me. Cowboy actually sounded proud when he clapped King on the shoulder and said, "woo doggy, you got yourself a live one there!"

King didn't respond to that. His face was a blank mask and it bothered me that I couldn't read him. I opened my mouth to try and explain that I had done it for us, so we could be together in peace. I had killed my father so he would never be a threat to the girls again. So he could never take me away. Before I could say anything, he passed me off to Cat.

"We have to get the girls to the hospital." Cat was telling him. I didn't want to go to the hospital. The hospital would call the police, and I couldn't tell them what had just happened. Both King and I would end up in jail.

"Stay with them." King instructed. "Addy knows enough not to say anything. Sissy is going to need a muzzle." he didn't sound like he had any sympathy for my friend and the ordeal she had just been through.

"Be nice." I mumbled.

"Shhhh." Cat rocked me gently, like I was a child who needed soothing. I should have been upset at that, but it felt really nice. Cat was warm and strong, and he smelled nice. I rested my head on his shoulder and let myself be soothed by the comfort he offered.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I must have. I knew I was in the hospital before I opened my eyes. I could almost taste that gross sterile smell that all hospitals had. And there was a monitor somewhere close by rhythmically beeping. When I finally got up the courage to open my eyes I regretted it immediately. The stupid fluorescent lights hurt my eyes and made my head pound. I groaned in pain. I slammed my eyes closed again.

"Addy?" someone asked from right beside the bed.

"The lights." almost as soon as i said it the room got darker. He flipped the switch, and I heard the hiss of the curtains being pulled closed. "How long have I been out?" my voice was a garbled mess, like I had gargled with glass.

"All of last night and most of today." I recognized Nightmare's lightly accented voice. "It's two in the afternoon." I wanted so badly to ask about what had happened after I passed out. What were they going to do with the bodies of my father and Panda Bear? What about the rest of my dad's men? But I couldn't risk someone from the hospital staff or the cops overhearing that conversation.

"Sissy?" I asked instead.

"She is fine. They checked her out and let her go. Hope brought her back to the club house to watch over her." I loved that the club was extending their care to my friend, even though she had been stupid. She was going to blame herself for this and would have a tuff time. I knew it wasn't her fault. My dad would have found me eventually, he had just used and manipulated her to get to me.

"Where is King?" I finally asked the question I really wanted the answer to. Why wasn't he here? The one person I wanted to see above all else.

"He's been calling me every hour to check on you. He would be here himself, but he had a big mess to clean up." nightmare looked at me meaningfully. Yeah, I got it. Nightmare was a little upset with me for the whole shooting my dad point blank while he was standing next to him. "I got a little dirty myself and had to change before I came."

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