chapter 19

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The last place I wanted to be after the night I'd just had was at the fucking strip club dealing with strippers. One of the girls had overdosed last night and when her friend tried to confront the bastard who'd sold the shit to them, he beat her for her troubles. Thankfully Cat had been close by, getting a lap dance, when the girl had started convulsing. Administering Narcan is actually easy, anyone could do it. But not everyone was a licensed MD who carried that shit in a bag with them everywhere. So instead of being home with Addy and the girls having a family dinner and discussing the change in our family dynamic, i was dealing with fucking strippers.

I woke up to the sound of my men's boots stomping through the front door and my body curled around Addy like a cocoon around a butterfly. I held a finger to my lips to stop my brothers from running their mouths and waking Adelaide. She would have been fucking embarrassed to wake up and find three of my MC brothers staining at her while she slept. Like a bunch of fucking creepers. "This had better be fucking good." I groaned.

"Shit is going down, but this time we got them on camera." Demon told me with a grin on his face.

Nightmare was still looking down at my sleeping girl with a strange soft expression on his face. "You got a problem brother?" I asked.

He shook his head, his long dark hair that he usually kept back with an elastic at the nape of his neck, swung free around his pretty boy face. "I've never even had a woman in this bed. Now I gotta sleep here tonight thinking about what you did in it." He made a face.

"Fuck you." I slugged his shoulder. "You think your fucking cabin is where I was gonna take my woman for the first time?" I didn't want the bastard imaging Addy getting fucked, not in his bed, not by me, not at all. When I did finally get her naked beneath me it was going to be at our house in our fucking bed.

We turned away from the sleeping beauty in Nightmare's bed and they told me about the fucking druggie stripper drama. I knew I was going to have regrets about that place. Women are drama at the best of times. Put a bunch of women together who are willing to do just about anything to make a buck and you are begging for cat fights and bullshit. As upset as I was that more fucking drugs were being poured into my town on my turf, at least this time we had it all on camera.

The guys had brought my bike and Addy's car. I made them wait outside whilst I woke her up and she got dressed. It wasn't how I wanted to wake her, with sweet kisses and words of affirmation that our relationship was right. I would have preferred to put her on the back of my bike and drive her home myself. Instead, I had to give her a little wave and watch her drive off without me after she promised to go straight home and not leave the house until one of the guys showed up to bring her and the girls to Dance life.

"I can't see his fucking face." Demon growled. We had watched the entire fucking tape from the moment the two jackasses entered the club until they ran like cowards after punching the dumb blond stripper several times when they realized Cat was making his way towards the commotion. We had guys watching from every angle possible, trying to get a clear freeze frame of their faces. At least the dumb asses had been so kind as to wear their cuts. I had no problem identifying their fucking club after seeing the stupid melting skull logo that one kid had described. The name of the club was clearly spelled out on their top rockers. 'The black alloys'.

"The fuck kind of name is that for an MC?" Demon snorted.

"The logo is disgusting. Like it took a fucking money shot to the face. What kind of pussy boy wants to wear that shit on his back?" Cat made a gagging sound. I agreed. It was a stupid fucking name and an ugly fucking logo.

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