chapter 20

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Dinner with the girls hadn't been nearly as bad as King had thought. Mainly because I had spoken to them earlier, and because the pizza place King picked had an arcade. Who wanted to listen to your dad talk about his relationship with your dance teacher/nanny when there was skee ball?

I spent the entire next day making myself nervous. The entire ride home from work with the girls I chewed my lip and end worried. A date with King? I had never been on a date before; I had no idea what to expect. In the movies dates usually ended with a hot sex scene, and I was sharing a room with King now. Was he expecting sex so soon after I told him I wasn't ready?

A prospect was waiting at the house to watch the girls. King directed them to eat dinner and go straight to bed. "Do you want to go for a ride on my bike?" he asked me. I paused, staring at him like he had asked me a complex math question. King was a bossy man. I had gotten pretty used to him telling me what to do. His asking what I wanted to do was new. Hadn't the entire point of running away from my father and fighting so hard against being with King been all about doing what I wanted to do? "Babe?" He tipped my chin up so our eyes connected. "It's getting cold out. Do you want to risk freezing your ass off on the bike or should we take the truck?"

"I... I want to ride the bike with you." I managed to choke out. Boy howdy did I want to ride the bike with him. Just being on the back of a bike is fun. But riding bitch as his old lady was something entirely different.

King must have seen the hunger in my eyes. He pressed a kiss to my lips and told me, "Go get your jacket baby." I listened and eagerly climbed onto the bike behind him. "Where do you want to go?" he asked. He was asking me what I wanted again and the warmth that had bloomed in my chest earlier spread.

"Chinese?" I asked hopefully. I didn't want to admit how much I loved Chinese food. I would probably eat it every day if I could. He nodded and revved the bike.

I knew exactly how to hold on and ride the bike as a passenger. I didn't have to wrap my arms around him, or plaster my tits against his back, I did it anyway. I enjoyed the heat of him when I pressed my body as close to his as I could. When the wind chilled my skin, I moved my hands under his hoodie onto his stomach and copped a feel of his rock-hard abs while I was at it.

The restaurant was exactly what almost every Chinese restaurant looked like, complete with a lucky cat on the counter by the register. But the food was fantastic, and I was not shy about my enjoyment. I looked up from my food to find King watching me with a smile on his stupid handsome face. "What?" I suddenly felt very self-conscious.

I wasn't eating a salad and drinking water like one of those girls who want men to believe that women survived off nothing and never went to the bathroom. I had just stuffed a crab rangoon in my face like a girl who hadn't been able to afford those in over a year.

"I like to see you enjoying yourself." he said.

"Oh." I wasn't sure how to respond to that. I don't think anyone in my entire life had ever gone out of their way to do anything for me just because they wanted to make me happy. It made me feel selfish for enjoying it so much. "What did you do today?" I asked, trying to turn the subject away from myself.

"I helped Supe at his office."

"I didn't know Superman had an office. I thought he worked at the strip club. No?" I was curious about his club. It was so different from the drug running and arms dealing that my father's club did. King and the guys had made an obvious effort to go legit and get themselves out of the outlaw life.

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