chapter 4

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It was past midnight, and I was still sitting in the booth at my new strip club listening to the guys' reports. Our club had been mostly legit for the better part of the last decade. Getting it that way hadn't been easy and keeping it that way as a lot fucking harder.

There were reports in town of another MC taking up residency on our turf and trying to sell tainted drugs. I wasn't gonna let that shit fly, not in my fucking town where my kids lived and went to school. "That high school kid that almost OD'd in the bathroom on Monday is awake now" superman was telling me. "Told the cops he got the shit from a guy on a motorcycle with a skull on his leather jacket."

I roared and slammed my fists onto the table. "That doesn't mean it's one of ours prez." Demon rushed to assure me, like I was fucking stupid. "The kid didn't say anything about a cut, just a jacket. None of us have the patches he described on our fucking coats. And he couldn't describe the guy's face because he had a full-face shield on a red helmet. Does anyone in the club have a red brain bucket?"

"Find out." I gritted out through my teeth. "Meeting over." the guys filed out. I sat back and scrubbed my hands over my face and groaned in frustration. We were about to be in the middle of a drug war between the cops and the mystery biker gang and I had no idea how to stop it.My phone buzzed and I looked to see a group text thread between that girl Narcissa and Adelaide.

Addy: Who is that?

Sissy: Sorry I dropped my phone. Must have added someone when I was fumbling to grab it. Idk who that even is. Lol

Addy: How many random guy's numbers do you have in your phone, listed under adjectives?

Sissy: too many

They were aware that I was there but didn't remove me from the group. Giving that stupid teenager my number had been a mistake. Now I was gonna sit in a strip club and read a stupid conversation about boys between two little girls? My finger hovered over the block button when sissy sent another text.

Sissy: How hot was that dad at dance today?

I froze. Were they talking about me? Was i a gross old perve for hoping that?

Addy: Mr. Kingston?

Sissy: yeah, the biker guy.

Addy: His kids are so sweet. I really feel bad for those poor girls, it's really hard to lose your mom so young.

Sissy: gotta be really hard to have a daddy that looks like that ;-)

Addy: Narcissa, he is a grown ass man! He probably looks at us and sees a couple of cute little kids in pigtails.

I shrugged. That was probably how I should be thinking of them. And I did think Narcissa was nothing but an annoying teenage girl. But Addy, she was a different story. She didn't behave like a vapid teen. She had the soul and life experiences of a much older woman.

Sissy: if you could lick him anywhere on his body where would it be?

Addy: I think you need professional help. You are never going to get the opportunity to lick that man.

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