chapter 17

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Addy was wearing a silver sequined dress that she definitely hadn't left the house in. The top was skintight, the neckline cut down almost to her belly button and the sides of her breast were peeking out. The skirt flowed down to mid thing, but when that fucker Billy twirled her around the dress lifted to expose a tiny pair of black shorts. The lights caught on it, and she shined like a disco ball while her dance partner led her around doing different twirls and dips.

They were dancing to 'careless whisper', of all songs. Not the original, but a rock version that I hadn't heard before. I stood from the chair and seethed, watching him put his hands on her hips to move her into position beside her. One of his hands fisted on the bun in her hair and her hands came up to grab onto his wrist. With just that one point of connection he pushed her forward until her face was almost touching the floor before pulling her back to standing. My hands hit the railing and I was ready to vault over it to get him away from her before the fucker hurt her again.

Sissy's hand on my arm gave me pause. "He's not hurting her!" she whispered. "Look, do you see how she is holding on to his wrist like that?" she pointed. "She is the one holding on to him. He is not actually holding her by the hair, it's an illusion. She has all the power in that move. If she felt like he couldn't pull her up she could just step forward and twist out of the hold without anyone realizing, they had messed up." That mollified me enough to keep me standing where I was.

Addy and Billy continued to move together in a dance that had clearly been carefully choreographed and practiced. He dipped her again. Before they could straighten, she rolled and moved around him to pull him up before pushing him back down. The crowd cheered at her cheeky grin. "They danced together for over a year before that incident." Sissy told me. "This is one of her favorite routines. It's almost over." She looked nervous.


"The end of this dance, it used to have a lift. That's... Umm, that's when he dropped her."

"Fuck." I pulled my hands through my hair. A lady at the table next to us frowned at me. "If he fucking hurts her, I'll gut him." the woman next to us gasped her disapproval, like what she thought fucking mattered.

I watched in horror as Billy braced his feet and put his hands out and Addy ran straight towards him, pulling the ribbon from her hair so it came undone and flowed out behind her. The bottom dropped out of my stomach right before he grabbed her around the waist. Instead of lifting her into the air he put her into a dramatic dip with her hands back, hair brushing the floor.

The cheers were thunderous. They might not have done any of the crazy dangerous shit the pair before them had, but they had definitely wowed the spectators. "Her form and execution are always flawless." Sissy shouted over the noise. Addy and the dumb kid took their bows. As the crowd calmed down, I put my fingers in my mouth and gave a sharp whistle. Her eyes moved automatically to me, and her beautiful face went pale. I didn't try to hide the fury that must have been burning in my eyes like the fires of hell.

I picked up my phone and called Nightmare. "She's gonna bolt. Don't fucking lose her this time, yeah?"

"I got you Prez." was all he said before hanging up. I took my time making my way back towards the door. Addy wasn't going to slip through his fingers a second time.


It felt so good to perform again like that. Competing is always a rush, even when we knew we had no shot at winning. I was grinning like a fool when Billy and I took our bow, until I heard that whistle. I knew before I even looked up who would be there. I think I might have known even before then. I could feel his eyes on me the entire time I danced. I had done my absolute best, hoping that King was watching. Let him see how hard I would work to not be under his control. Let him see how much of a woman I was.

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