chapter 27

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I moved my hands between us and pulled at the hem of his worn black tee. King pushed himself up to his knees between my legs to pull the shirt over his head. I had to catch my breath at the sight of his beautiful chest. I had seen him shirtless more times than I could count, and it caught me off guard every time. I'm sure he was flexing, making his abs look as defined and cut as possible.

"Your turn." he said in that gruff tone. He smiled down at me, a challenge in his eyes. Was I really ready for this? He was going to make sure I was a willing participant every step of the way. I kept my eyes locked with his as I grabbed the bottom of my mid-thigh length black skater dress and slowly raised it. King's chest heaved with the effort he was making to keep those green eyes on mine and not look down to watch me slowly expose my body to him.

It didn't take more than a few seconds for him to get frustrated with my teasing. When I finally pulled the dress up enough to put my lacy black bra on display, he grabbed the material from my hands and jerked it off over my head. His hungry eyes devoured me, moving over my body to take it all in. he paused on my perky little tits encased in the nicest bra I owned then moved down over my mostly flat tummy to the apex of my thighs covered by a scrap of black fabric that was the matching thong.

When he finally looked back up at me his face was awash with awe. "You are fucking perfect." he intoned.

"Your pants.'' I encouraged him. "Take them off.'' I sat up and reached for his belt buckle with shaking hands. He let me fumble with it for a few moments before reaching down to help me. I moved my hands to his hips, desperate to touch any part of his skin, and watched as he pulled down the zipper.

I was surprised to learn that King wasn't wearing his usual boxer briefs when he freed his big, beautiful cock from behind his zipper. I think I stopped breathing for a moment just looking at it. I didn't ask for permission or wait for him to finish taking his pants off before I reached out and took him in my hands. The skin was silky soft over his hard as steel rod. I looked at the bead of pre cum on the tip and licked my lips. I had never thought that giving head was something a woman wanted to do. I figured it was something you did to please your partner. But looking at his dick and holding it in my hands I was overcome with the urge to put it in my mouth.

"Can I?" I whispered. I forgot that he was not privileged to the dialogue running through my head and had no idea what I was asking to do.

"I'm yours baby, you can do whatever you want to me." he held completely still, offering his body to me. He was mine to explore. Without warning i leaned forward and wrapped my lips around the fathead. "Holy shit." he breathed. I expected him to grab my head and shove himself down my throat, like the guys in the pornos i had seen. King balled his hands into fists and kept them down at his sides. I looked up at him, my mouth still full of him. He was looking down at me in the same way I imagined people looked up at the Eiffel tower for the first time. Like I was one of the wonders of the world.

King put his big hands on either side of my face and pulled me off. "Am I doing it right?" I asked nervously. I mean, the look on his face had me thinking I was doing pretty well, but I wanted reassurance.

"Baby if you did any better, I'd be fucking dead. If you don't stop now this is going to be over before it even begins." I was left sitting on the bed and he climbed off to take his pants the rest of the way off. He opened the top drawer of his dresser and pulled out a string of packets that I realized were condoms. Was he expecting me to put it on wrong and grabbing backups, or was he planning on needing more than one because we would be going several rounds?

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