chapter 16

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I woke up alone in King's bed still fully dressed, shoes and all. Two nights spent in his bed, wrapped in his arms, claimed as his old lady, and I was still a virgin. I saw the text from Sissy and started crying again. Fucking Billy, he almost destroyed my life that last time we danced together. I wasn't sure I was willing to risk it again, but I needed money in case I got the guts to try and run from the furious bastards, again.

So I got up and washed the ruined makeup from my face. Nightmare was in the kitchen making coffee when I headed to the door. "Where you going Cupcake?" he called.

"Work." I tried to pull the door open, but he was there behind me, one big, tattooed hand holding it closed.

"Sorry cupcake but the prez don't want you going anywhere without a brother watching your back." I turned to look up at the big handsome Hispanic man. If I wasn't completely obsessed with King i probably would have swooned at Nightmare's feet.

"Then you better get your shoes on, I'm not gonna be late because of you." I didn't want to fight with him. We had grown close, and I knew that, if everything went right, I was going to be the reason he was in trouble with King before the night was over.

Nightmare followed me to Dance Life and stood outside my studio looking big and bad. Some of the moms tried to flirt, but most of them were afraid. Billy walked right by him like he didn't even realize he was there. Billy sat in the back of the studio and pretended to watch a few of my classes, I felt both of their eyes on me the entire time. I ignored them both too. I concentrated on teaching cute little girls in pink leotards and tights how to keep their feet in first position, how high to lift their leg to perform arabesque, and how to keep their hips parallel to the floor when doing a pirouette so they didn't throw off their own balance.

Sissy came in after my third class, neither one of us had another class for almost an hour. Nightmare glared through the window in the door when he saw the three of us gathered together, but he didn't barge in. "well?" Sissy demanded. "Are you two gonna go?"

"Club one?" I asked Billy who kept looking over his shoulder towards the door.

"Yeah, but your creepy bodyguard isn't going to be able to come in. this is an exclusive club Addy." he casted another glance towards the glowering Nightmare.

"Don't worry about him." Sissy grinned. " I'll let my class out a little early and start a distraction so you two can get away. What dance are you going to do? You haven't danced together in a long time." she chewed her lip.

"Just like riding a bike." I winked at her. "Well do something easy tonight, no lifts." Billy had the good sense to look chagrin and nodded his agreement.

"What about your face? You are all busted up. Your lip is split and there is a cut on your forehead." He didn't ask what happened, neither had Sissy for that matter. Billy wasn't concerned for me personally; he was concerned about how my appearance would affect him.

"I can cake on enough makeup to cover it. The audience will be far enough away that no one will notice." I assured him. "I'll meet you there at ten to get warmed up." We broke apart. Sissy went back to her studio to get ready for her next class. I walked Billy out. Nightmare grabbed my arm in an almost painful grip.

"Who the fuck is that guy?" he growled.

"He used to teach dance here." I told him, doing my best to look sweet and innocent. "We are all old friends."

"King isn't going to like that."

"So I can't speak to my friends now? What's next? Is he going to keep me prisoner in his house and have you be my prison guard?" I jerked my arm out of his hand. "He doesn't own me, Nightmare. And you are not my boss." he dragged his hands through his long dark hair and growled at me.

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