chapter 11

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My blood froze in my veins when I heard Adelaide's voice screaming my name.

I was trying to give her room to act like a normal teenage girl while keeping her safe. So while she had headed out to drink at a bar that I owned surrounded by my brothers, I went and dealt with more bullshit. There had been another overdose and this time the kid didn't make it. Demon and I had spent hours tracking down the kids' friends and interrogating them.

The kids were a bunch of idiots. They knew the guys they bought the G from were bikers, only because they were riding motorcycles and wearing cuts. They didn't know what club their dealers belonged to. One of them described their center patch as a green and black skull that looked like it was melting. I didn't know of any club, local or otherwise, with those colors or that icon. We weren't any closer to figuring out who was dealing that shit to fucking kids in our territory.

I went down to the police station to meet with Detective Havers, an ambitious young cop who had once prospected the club. As far as the rest of the department knew he had changed his mind when he realized the line he'd have to walk to be a biker and a cop. The cops didn't have any fucking answers either. Unfortunately, the older cops still remember the days, back before I was prez, when the club was running drugs and causing trouble. Their eyes were going to be focusing on us instead of looking for the actual problem.

I was in a fucking terrible mood. I wanted to spend Adelaide's birthday with her. But she and Sissy had planned their little party at WTF before she had even met me. I wasn't about to suggest to a teenage girl that she should ditch her friend and instead have dinner with a cranky old man on her birthday. It would have felt like too much of a fucking date any way.

She had become friends with my brothers. I had Nightmare keeping an eye on her most days now and they had gotten close. They had a lot in common, including their favorite movie. A dumb kids show with a singing skeleton, nightmare before Christmas. It was where he'd gotten his name. The idiot had his entire back covered in tattooed scene from that movie. After the girls went to bed, on the nights when i had to stay out late and deal with club business, they sat on my fucking couch and watched movies while gossiping.

They were close enough for her to admit that she had never been on a real fucking date. The disgusting pigs her father had let her 'date' when she was too fucking young to even know what a date was had only brought her to the clubs with them to show her off. When Nightmare had told me that I had wanted to hunt down every one of those fucking pedophile pieces of shit and exterminate them. I couldn't see how I was any different, a 32-year-old man wanting to take his nineteen-year-old employee out to dinner.

But she didn't usually behave like a teenager. She had been through more shit in her short life than most people would ever have to deal with. She acted more grown up than most of the bastards in the club put together. She was responsible and reliable, loyal, and so fucking sweet that i was sure one taste of her would rot my teeth out.

That was why I was shocked when Supe had called to tell me he was worried about her. "Addy's not having a good night." he whispered into his cell phone so Tammy, the regular bartender there, wouldn't hear. "The kids she showed up with have all fucked off and she's sitting by herself and tossing 'em back almost as fast as I can pour."

I felt a deep growl rumble through my chest. I knew that fucking friend of hers was nothing but trouble. I told him, "I'm on my way." It had taken less than twenty minutes to get from the police station to the bar. Something had gone very wrong in that short amount of time. Before I even walked through the door, I knew there was trouble. Cowboy wasn't standing at the open door; I could hear raised voices from inside.

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