chapter 31

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The redhead screamed as dust rained down on us from above. I grabbed her by the upper arm and pulled her around, her back to my chest. One of them obviously had a thing for her, she would make a decent human shield. The crowd of people who had just moments ago been enjoying their night in relative pace erupted into a flurry of action and screaming. Women wailed when they raced for the exits only to find their way blocked by my men at every turn.

"Who the fuck are you?" I looked down at the young guy who had been jealously watching the girl flirt with me only moments ago. He had a peashooter of a gun in his hands and a thunderous look on his face.

"I'm the man holding your woman at gunpoint." I shoved my gun into her side to emphasize my statement. I wouldn't actually hurt the girl, but he didn't know that. His face transformed from pissed as fuck to scared shitless. Guess I had picked the right hostage/human shield.

He took his finger off the trigger and took his aim off of me. "What the fuck do you want?" he asked. His eyes weren't on me, they were fixed on the girl who was sobbing in my arms.

"I want the president of your club out here,'' I shook his woman till her teeth clacked together. 

"Now!" The commotion had quieted down. Their women were huddled together in a corner and most of the guys had formed a semi-circle around them with their weapons drawn.

The woman behind the bar kicked something with a soft thud. A muttered "ouch." came from under the counter. "Cali?" I called out with a wicked grin. The fucking pussy ass coward thought he could just duck behind the bar and hide until this all went away.

"Get out there you ass!" the bartender demanded. I jerked my head in her direction and Cat swooped behind the bar to grab the woman and point his gun at the yellow bastard we had come to confront.

I chuckled, low and slow. The kind of chuckle a cartoon villain lets out right before he does something really twisted. "Oh you young naive fool." I crooned. "Did you really think you could just waltz into my territory, distribute your poison, make threats that you clearly can't back up, and get away with it?"

The kid's shaggy blond head slowly rose over the counter. His hands raised in the universal sign for surrender. Though I could clearly see his piece tucked into the waistband of his pants, he had not reached for it. The wildcat bartender, still in Cat's clutches, kicked out again. Her foot couldn't have hit him any higher than his shin. The wimp grimaced and shuffled around the bar, more to get away from her flying feet than to approach me like a man.

He cleared his throat. "King." the dumb ass attempted a cool head nod. I just stood there glaring, still holding a gun to the bitch in front of me. "Nice to finally meet you man to man."

"You're not a man Justin, you are nothing but a little boy playing dress up in the cut you found in the back of your daddy's closet!" the woman fighting Cat's hold yelled.

"Shut the fuck up Scarlett!" one of the boys still guarding their women told her. I took my eyes off Justin to get a look at the other guy. The patch on his chest proclaimed him VP. The acne on his face made it clear he was barely past puberty. Clearly these kids didn't know shit about being a real MC. It was obvious from what Scarlett said next that they didn't keep the women out of club business or under control.

"You shut up Timmy! Your dad left you this bar and you idiots thought that made you bad asses. How's that working out for us right now Rubble?" the way she said his street name almost got an actual laugh from me. Cat did laugh when she muttered, "that's a puppy from paw patrol. dumb mother fucker."

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