chapter 29

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I wasn't happy to wake up alone after the night king and I had shared. And then those messages from Sissy. My stomach was in knots. I was so worried for my friend. I knew the ins and outs of biker culture. I knew that there were bikers who were bad boys, but good men. I also knew that there were bikers who were complete trash human beings. Men like my father who would sell their teenage daughters virginity given the chance. I had no way of knowing the kind of biker Sissy had met, and that scared me.

I found Nova first. She was on what must have been her third cup of coffee, and her fingers were flying over the screen of her phone. "What's going on?" she quickly turned off her phone and tried to hide it, her face turning red. "Not you too." I groaned.

"What?" she tried to look innocent.

"I can only deal with one boy crazy kid in the house at a time." I told her. She giggled. "Who is he?" I demanded and reached for her phone. She grabbed it off the counter and took off running out of the kitchen and down the hall. I chased after her with a laugh. I had just turned out of the kitchen door when I collided with King's solid chest. I bounced off him and landed on my ass with an "oof!"

I was lifted into his big strong arms before i had even fully processed what had happened. "What the hell is going on?" he didn't sound even the slightest bit amused.

"I was just messing around with Nova." I huffed. He sat me down on the counter and stepped to stand between my legs. I looked up into his green eyes as he leaned down and kissed the breath from my lungs. My hands seemed to have a mind of their own, I reached up and grabbed fists full of his shirt to drag him closer and force him to deepen the kiss.

"Get a room.'' Someone called from behind King. He pulled back and I looked over his shoulder to see Jr and Starr entering the kitchen.

"Yeah, we are in a hotel, it's not like there aren't enough of them." Starr agreed with him and then looked up at him for approval. He smiled and nodded at her.

I looked questioningly at King. It wasn't unusual for her to follow Jr around like a lovesick puppy, but it wasn't like Starr to be mouthy. King pressed his forehead to mine and let out a groan. "Apparently Jr is teaching our little girl how to be a brat." he said, giving my lips another peck.

My heart skipped a beat at him referring to her as "our daughter". This want a temporary thing; we were not just building a relationship but a family. I knew without any of them having to tell me that Jr's lessons, Starr's new behavior was in response to Bee calling her a brat at the pool yesterday. I really hated that woman. "I'll talk to her." I told him. "Right after I talk to Nova. anything else I need to know? Did Celeste join a gang?"

King didn't chuckle at my lame joke. "What is going on with Nova?'' My poor man looked so tense. I moved my hands to his shoulders and began to massage him.

"It's nothing, I think she is texting a boy. I'll get it out of her tonight. There is a Pajama party at Dance Life." I'm sure that if I had forgotten about the stupid party there was no way he would have remembered.

"I know." he didn't sound too thrilled with the news. "I saw the texts from Sissy."

I laughed right in his face at that. With everything that had been happening it had completely slipped my mind that I needed to remove him from the group chat. "You are such a naughty boy, you know?"

"How so?"

"Those are meant to be private messages and you know it.'' I poked his chest. He reached up and grabbed my hands, holding them between us. I sighed and pressed my forehead to his chest. "I'm worried about Sissy. We have no way of knowing what club this mystery guy is with. Its suspicious that he doesn't want her to tell us, and with the melty skull guys causing problems around town you guys have enough to deal with."

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